What are the Slither Creatures?

The ANTIQUE also known as the plague or crawling creatures is a mysterious alien life form and the only one of its kind, travels through the universe looking for life forms to kill and feed on them.
It usually arrives on a planet and I consumed everything in it until I was left with nothing, the ANTIGUO exists as different forms of parasitic life and works as an illness or an infection with its own conscience.
This being reached the planet earth like a meteorite and landed In the small town of WESLEY in the United States, it is unknown where this being originated and how long it has lived in the universe.


we are not given any details about its origin or its natural habitat and only show us that it came from outer space, it is mentioned that it has existed for millions of years which shows us that it has lived for a long time destroying and feeding on planets, the ANTIQUE It exists in several different forms, although these forms are never explicitly mentioned, we can categorize them into four entities or way of being.

• These are the needle
• The main guest
• Matrix
• Worms or slugs


the original form of the old one and it is called so because it looks like a needle, although it is much thicker and has something that looks like hair, the needle is encapsulated in a small gelatinous sack probably to protect itself when it reaches the ground since the atmosphere is different for this being.
the needle shoots into the abdomen of the victim then enters the body and travels rapidly to the host's brain.



functions as a basis for the former allowing him to move and speak something that in his needle form he obviously could not do.
the main host begins to have swelling and eruptions in his body, besides that he has an insatiable hunger for raw meat, eventually grow tentacles and evolve a grotesque monster.
its tentacles are strong and elastic enough to kill animals at a distance which is important for the old one.
the old one also needs a



to give birth to the worms the main host impregnates another host when he injects his material through the tentacles that emerge from his body.
the person who is the womb can still think and talk in a rational way however is distracted by a strong desire to eat raw meat, which this guest eats, allows hundreds if not thousands of worms to hatch and be born killing the person who it works like the matrix.
the impregnated person can grow a large size because it harbors these worms as we could see with Brendan the film to the worms we can see as worker bees or extensions of the old able to infect many people.



the worms that grow in it, kill the matrix.
when they grow, the body can no longer expand.
the worms meet the guests to control and enter through the mouths of these, arriving and staying in the brain. When the main host no longer feels threatened, the hosts controlled by the worms join with the old one and make it grow.


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