in indonesia Vegetables not many people eat.

The vegetable name is ZUKINI.


Did you know that Zukini is a kind of small pumpkin whose fruits are harvested before being cooked for vegetables.
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This vegetable is one form of cultivation from Cucurbita pepo. In France, England, and Benelux countries these vegetables are more popular as courgette (pronounced "kurzet"). The outer color of the fruit can be yellow and dark green or young.
The shape is usually similar to cucumber, although some are round or like a bottle, depending on cultivars.

This vegetable is relatively newly known in Indonesia (second half of the 20th century), although popular in European cuisine. The use of zukini is usually similar to belustru, gambas (oyong) or beligo, which is disayur with dilute soup. In some places, the zukini is cut into pieces and then fried. Zukini is rarely eaten fresh (unprocessed).


In addition to the nutritional aspect, other benefits of zucchini for body health have not been studied so much, but there are studies of the benefits of these gourds on animal experiments. In addition, studies that have been done more see the pumpkin as a whole is not specific only zucchini. As an antioxidant, zucchini is a good source of manganese, vitamin C, and vitamin A which is an antioxidant. In addition there are also other antioxidant content such as lutein and zeaxanthin. The activity of antioxidants in zucchini includes a stable, which is evident from the results of studies on the activity of zucchini antioxidants that have been frozen. To get the overall benefits of antioxidants in zucchini then it's good we consume not only the meat but also the skin and seeds.
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Zucchini contains a number of vitamin B complexes (B1, B2, B3, B6, folate, and choline), and dietary fiber that is useful in regulating blood sugar levels. The results showed that anti-inflammatory properties in the cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems, derived from omega-3 (found in zucchini seeds), carotene lutein, zeaxanthin and beta-carotene compounds, and anti-inflammatory compounds of the polysaccharide group were homogalacturonan .

The combination of antioxidants and anti-inflammation contained in zucchini so it is quite logical to say the benefits of this food as an anticancer

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