New Publication Alert! MY BUSINESS JOURNEY series...

My Business Journey Series @mrfelix.png

I have been part of several entrepreneurial ventures. I have also run a couple of businesses myself offline and online. By relative judgment, I CONSIDER MYSELF SUCCESSFUL. Success here does not mean that I have neither faced challenges nor been caught up by critical business puzzles; it means that amidst these problems that cloud the premises of entrepreneurship, with the help of knowledge gathered over time and wisdom acquired from experience, I have scaled through and survived thus far while still reaching for possible apexes.

Friends and other onlookers call me THE TECHNOPRENEUR: a core entrepreneur with technological acquaintance. This title/acknowledgement did not just emerge from thin air; it came from onlookers who have overtime observed keenly and perceived the positive results associated with my entrepreneurial journey.

Out of curiosity and passionate desire to reach similar feats and surpass, many began to ask: HOW DO YOU DO IT?

As part of my commitment to answer that question, I will commence a series of business tips. It promises to be very interesting and educative. The publications under this series will capture MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCES, business clues from the book: 50 Nuggets to Getting Started in Business by Jabez Gabe amidst a host of many other well researched materials.

I call this series: MY BUSINESS JOURNEY. Follow this series and you will definitely bid farewell to business failure!

Know This:

Business success is based on more than just having an investment. It also involves the ability to sell yourself positively. It is when people are into you that they can actually be willing to listen to what you have to sell. I assure you, you will confidently sell what you have, whether it is goods or services.

Sadly, most people do not have the ability to sell themselves with confidence because they are too self-conscious. This outlook hinders them to act freely and in a friendly way to prospective customers. Others are in dire need of motivation; they go through the motions of doing their jobs without thoroughly enjoying it, leaving them with the feeling of boredom. They carry on with the job because they do not have another alternative; they soon lose the creative sense to transform their businesses into a winning one.

Join me on my business journey series…

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Do well to grab a copy of 50 NUGGETS TO GETTING STARTED IN BUSINESS by Jabez Gabe. It contains many of the ideas i would be sharing and MUCH MORE. The book is written to assist anyone who wants to re-invent himself towards business success. It is also for those who hope to start a business sometime in the future as well as for those who are having poor self-confidence that is hampering their success from shining forth. It is basically a quick guide to entrepreneurial success.

To place order for the hard or soft copies, drop a message on the comment section of this post or message me privately on Discord: @mrfelix#9825.


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