Move up and move on....

Stress Relieversfor the Modern Man.png

If you're starting your own business, you gotta make some tough desicions and make even tougher moves...

Its just a fact. Not a whole lot of your friends and family are going to agree with what you're doing.

Mine didnt and still done even though I've made some pretty decent money... se la vie(that's life).

I've even tried to teach them how to have a store on ebay( they would source items, pack 'em, and then ship the parcel...I did the techie stuff like creating the listing). The first 2 items shipped smoothly... but the the third was sent late... they didnt want to do the work after a long day at work...


So that was it.... that looooong run with ebay was over haha...

Anyways...I love them, but I keep business separate. They still ask me when im finishing college to earn my B.S. 😉 degree...

My answer: not happening...

So you see... its better to not try to drag the horse to the water and make him drink but rather go on its own path...

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