5 Ways To Save Money When You're Broke AF

Even those of us with the best budget sense can go a little overboard with Christmas. When you have kids, it's hard to not want to give them the world every single day, and Christmas is an excuse to do just that. And, while I may put money aside to shop for Christmas, I still find myself blowing my budget out of the water. Top this off with the fact that birthdays are two weeks before and two weeks after Christmas, and now we've got a budget that's off-kilter.

While we've never been in financial jeopardy, we have had to pinch some pennies until the monetary cushion returned. I've found 5 ways that I've been able to save here and there, and it helps speed up recovery time significantly!

1.Use Cashback Apps

If you're not a crazy coupon lady, but you like to be shopping savvy, Ibotta and Checkout51 are amazing apps to use! You're buying these things anyway, might as well make your money back. Bonus! You can load these "coupons" onto your shopping rewards cards, too. Bigger extra bonus! You get money when you and your 'team' of friends meet monthly goals.
(Use my referral link and we both get a bonus. Yaaaaaaaaas! https://ibotta.com/r/oqiza )

2.Have a meatless/soup/leftover menu option

The USDA has stated that the average "thrifty" budget for a family of four, where the children are in age range of 2-5 years old, is $558.90.
( Source: https://www.cnpp.usda.gov/sites/default/files/CostofFoodDec2017.pdf )
How can you get it lower? How can you accommodate a larger family size, or older children? What if you have food allergies? Well, don't worry. I've got you!

-Set aside one day a week that everyone eats up the leftovers. This helps save food waste, money, AND you don't have to actually 'cook' anything. That's always a win/win in my book.
-Crock Pots are your friend! Soups and stews can be used as leftovers, and are pretty filling as a supper for these cold winter days.
-Going meatless doesn't have to be murder! You can dress up old recipes and try new ones by simply googling 'meatless'. If you must have meat, try one of the other options.

By simply 'trimming the fat' this way, you can save anywhere between $35 and $75 a month on groceries.
Not enough savings? Head on over to https://hotmessinmommyland.wordpress.com to folllow my upcoming series 'Frugal Resolutions'!

3.Stop bleeding yourself dry for your cable company!

Two years ago, we cut down to the basic package (which didn't even have the kid channels, so PBS was our go-to. And lemme tell you, Caillou is a bane on our children.)
Then, our cable company increased this package cost, twice, in a year. I had to go with internet only, and rely on Netflix to save me! But then I had to pay extra for different screens. And new shows? Pfft. I wasn't seeing anything unless it was on my streaming service. So I looked at Sling TV and Hulu, and paid for them, too. After a while, I realized I had all these extra expenses just automatically coming out, and I really didn't have a handle on my entertainment budget. Again.

Enter Legacy Direct Streaming media boxes. $20 a month for any show I could want to watch. And when I say any show, I mean any show. Currently, we're binge watching Blue's Clues, with Steve, and after the kids go to bed? I'm flipping between episodes of Doctor Who and Golden Girls. There's a live TV option available, too, for Sunday and Monday night football. I save even MORE money than I did with Netflix and Hulu alone. (Referral Link: http://wisco.legacyretail.direct/ )

4.Experiences over Stuff

The snowy days have come, and I turn to library activities, indoor playground playdates, crafting with recyclables, and more often than not, these are cheaper options that are enriching for the whole family! Spend less time buying things to entertain the kiddos, and do something. From my experience, after having a fun day with Mom, there's less fighting over toys, supper, and bedtimes.

5.Gently Used over New

Consignment stores are your best friend. Baby shower in your future? BOOM! Easy gift.
Kids need new shoes before the end of the school year? BAM! Kids consignment stores have policies on their clothes and shoes, meaning those sneakers won't have tears, rips, or missing treads.
Need to replace an appliance? Your local Salvation Army probably has a variety of the same, in different styles!
You're doing a service by keeping these businesses going, and getting a great deal on items. Can't stand the idea of someone else wearing your clothes beforehand? Try clearance rack shopping before going for the full price item.

Now, let's all keep our fingers crossed, and see our rocky budget get back to normal by 2nd quarter!

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