Dearest Diary: My Sister-in-Law Messaged Me That My Brother Needs $6,000 Because They Were Referred To A Electrophysiologist


My brother with his wife and one of my nephews

My brother went to the heart doctor yesterday and I learned that they were referred to an electrophysiologist and I assume that my brother's heart is damaged because it is doing some irregular heartbeat.

It is scary to have an irregular heartbeat because I had experienced it myself last December where I really, really thought that I was gonna die that moment because the heart beat and my breathlessness shook me out from my foundations and I even blogged about it during that time, just a testament on how i love blogging too.

My brother just recently went into some heart test where he went home with some instruments attached to his chest area so his heart could be monitored for that purpose.

This is actually my first attempt to Fund Raise for my brother Orly but he doesn't want us to worry about him and telling us always that he was Ok when we ask him if how goes it with his checkup and such. But of course the news has wings and I know whataa is already wrong with his health.

Now I just want the community to help him and I asked him to make a blog for himself so that the help can be given out directly unto him. It will also validate his identity and such and his actual neds through shared hospital visit photos, etc. I could be his extended voice because none of my relatives really have the slightest passion for blogging except me but his problem could be solved I know, there is always hope and God loves me. May the Lord God help us. God Bless the steemit community.

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