Waiting to meet - Freezing my Hive ass off in London

Waiting To Meet



As I type this, I’m at a Brick Lane cafe defrosting. My fingers literally hurt from the frost bite from holding my phone without gloves for an hour or so. I took the opportunity to head out early, being a sunny day, to grab some video and photo content. Today is the London Hive meetup!

The group will be meeting not far from here actually, which is why I’m already here, but it just got too cold for me so I had to take a pit stop in a cafe with a hot cup of coffee. I would have loved to walk around a little more, and may still do if I warm up enough, to cover some other spread near here. Perhaps I will postpone the street walks and videos till warmer times. It was -7 degrees this morning and, even though it’s now only -2, it feels every bit as cold, if no colder, than when I left home.

To be honest, I was quite close to just staying home in my warm environment, but I really want to make the meeting seeing I live in this city and other people have come from farther away. Also, Hive meet-ups are always so cool. They often have absolutely noting to do with Hive itself, strictly speaking, but a good excuse for people to meet, gossip a little, drink a little, or a lot, depending, lol, and so on.

Also, I missed the Shoreditch area which is quit an iconic part of the city. I used to live not too far from here, and worked in the city, so I was basically in this neighbourhood everyday 7-10 years ago. It’s been interesting to see some of the changes that have happened, even in the last few years.

Anyhow, the meeting is in an hour. Looking forward to seeing some Hive peeps at the location in a bit.

Peace & Love,


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