Boodle Fight Birthday

I had so much fun in my 1 week vacation in New jersey. The main high light is to celebrate my favorite uncle's 70th Birthday. We had a dinner at their house, and its not a typical dinner. Its one of the filipino culture and we called it as Boodle fight or Kamayan.

Boodle fight is a Filipino culture of military eating also called as "kamayan" , "Kamay" means hand and you will eat the food without using any cutlery just your hand only. The food that are mostly served are Lumpia or Spring roll, Dried fish and squid, Grilled Pork belly, Grilled chicken, Grilled fish and some seafood, and pancit. You can also add some fruits or it depends on what food you like or what you have . And take note, as a filipino, Rice is always present in every meal. All this food are place in a big banana leaf. Let me share you this, before you place all the food you need to put the banana leaf in a fire for 3 seconds. It makes the leaf so smooth and it wont break when you put the food.


A short reminder before you dig in is to cut your finger nails and of course wash your hands.

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