Bohemia Beauty - Beer Breweries - National Tradition - Všerad brewery


The Charm of Bohemian Villages in Your Mug

Not far from Prague’s south western borders is Pivovar Všerad, a microbrewery that years ago caught our attention at beer festivals for their superb light lager. We finally decided to make the short trip to their pleasant village microbrewery and wash down a heavy Czech lunch with a few pints of their fresh lager straight from the source.

Brewing began at Pivovar Všerad in 2013, and shortly thereafter is when we first tasted their light lager at a Naplavka Pivobrani. Czech malt and Saaz hops are used for their lagers, and for ales and beers that require a unique aroma, they’ll use American hops. They brew the traditional Czech way, which means at least one decoction. This is a small scale operation, only brewing 500 hectoliters per year. Since then, they’ve expanded their production to include more styles of bottom fermented beers, as well as a few ales and special beers.

We love their 11° light lager; it’s thirst quenching, conversational, and compliments any cuisine. Their amber lager is also lovely, with a soft, caramelized fullness to the body, and it still has that crisp Czech hop finish. Their ales are also nicely done. For a great beer to cool down with on a hot summer day, the 8° Session Ale is remarkably bitter for such a low alcohol beer, and a pleasant change from a light lager for beating the heat.

6 taps pour fresh beers at Všerad’s homey pub. You can try their 11° light and amber lagers, a 12° Vienna style lager (Senator), and a 12° Australian Pale Ale, Protinozec, plus one seasonal beer. At the time of our visit, their seasonal beer was their 8° Summer Ale, a light, session style ale that was perfect for cooling down in the heat of the afternoon.

Deliciously heavy and designed with a cold mug of beer in mind, the cuisine at Pivovar Všerad is simply excellent. Portions are huge and the kind that induce food comas, so be aware. We loved their duck, slow roasted and served with a variety of fluffy dumplings and sweet and sour red cabbage. Their schnitzel was tender and juicy, and again, of epic proportions. They also have tasty beer snacks, like beef tartar steak and marinated cheeses.

Prices for their beer and food are a bargain when compared to what you pay in Prague for something of much worse quality. Service is friendly, but don’t expect much English. They also sell 1 liter PET bottles to go. For activities other than drinking beer, there’s a mini-golf course, bike rental, a small kids playground, and a little museum about the name sake of the brewery, Magdalena Dobromila Rettigová. They also have on the brewery grounds simple accommodation.

These days, as many of the Czech microbreweries brew almost exclusively ales and hop on every beer trend as fast as possible, the old school beer styles like lagers (and all of their variants) have fallen by the wayside. The winner of the lager comparison we did last year, Vserad’s lager is an example of Czech handicraft at its best. Pivovar Všerad shows that microbreweries still have something to re-invent, even with the most functional of beer styles, a good old light lager. Which in itself, a light lager is no simplistic thing.

The rolling hills around the Berounka river are full of forests, cycle paths, and villages that host a few microbreweries. You have MMX in Lety, Pivovar Bobr in Zadní Třebaň, and Pivovar Berounský Medvěd in Beroun. One could easily enjoy a cycling brewery tour of the area, (which would take a certain level of stamina both on the bicycle and with drinking), and perhaps an overnight stay.

To get to Pivovar Všerad from Prague does require a bit of planning. Going by bus is horrifically difficult and takes more time than by train. If planned well, a train ride takes just over an hour and includes one change. The first train departs from Hlavní Nadrazi and heads in the direction of Beroun, but you’ll get off in either Zadní Třebaň or Lochovice. There you’ll change to one of those charming little red trains that’ve been running since what looks like the 1950’s, and in about 15 minutes, you’ll find yourself in Všeradice. The microbrewery is located north and slightly east of the train station.


SUMMER ALE 8° alc. 3.5%
Very light beers of summer designed for comfort. When the cooking were two barley malts and two kinds of hops, especially when American Citra hops gives the beer a pleasant citrus aroma with a more bitter taste, followed by a long finish. Beer is primarily intended for immediate quench their thirst initial brutal.

So try our new frothy fluid and judge for yourself how well we succeeded. We wish you a wonderful summer.

VŠERAD light 11° alc. 4,6%
VŠERAD semi-dark 11° alc. 4,6%
VŠERAD light Special 13° alc. 5,5%
The above are all beer, bottom-fermented, fermentation is medium. Our ales excel beautiful golden color, are moderately hopped, are perfectly balanced between sweet flavor ingredient malt and bitter hops component. Beer then have a delicate scent of bread taste with a longer finish.

Všerad "Five" is an annual premium light lager Pilsner type. When the cooking was used Saaz hops Premiant and newly Kazbek. These hops give the beer distinctive hoppy aroma with light tones and citrus aromas zemitokořeněnou longer taste finish.

VIENNA LAGER 12° alc. 5% - Vienna Premium Lager
It is a bottom-fermented beer Viennese type. For these lagers are characterized by their amber-copper color, which goes to red. The color is a result of the use of large quantities of Viennese special malt, of course, with the addition of other malts. In the nose smells light sweetness. The taste prevails stronger malt body with a nice spicy aftertaste and delicate flavor of hazelnuts. In the background is feeling very delicate hop bitterness that does not disturb the prevailing malty flavor. To cook our premium lager VŠERAD Viennese type were used a total of 4 types of malts and two kinds of Czech hops.

TGM 12° alc. 5% - semi-dark lager
Bottom fermented beer using a semi-dark 3 malt, hops from Žatec and further slightly enriched hop Kazbek.

WINTER ALE 12° alc. 5%
Top-fermented beer called APA - American pale ale.

Pleasantly bitter beer with the taste and aroma of tropical fruits and mandarins characterizing hop EQUINOX.

ANTIPODE 12° alc. 5% - Australian Pale Ale
When brewing this beer has been used new variety of aromatic hops Australian Ella. This gives the beer an interesting contrast citrus aromas and tropical fruit with floral aromas, dominated by lavender, sage and Melissa (lemon balm). By combining these flavors and aromas beer gets unmistakable aroma. Beer is characterized by gentle bite with a long hop finish. It is top-fermented.

BARTOLOMĚJ 13° alc. 5,5% - semi-dark special
Special bottom fermentation, where applicable Žatec hops

JANE BLACK 13° alc. 5,5% - dark bottom-fermented special
Jane Black is a dark, bottom-fermented thirteen Bavarian style. For its production were used Pilsner malts, Bavarian, and caramel color. Hoppy aroma balanced using Czech hops and Premiant Saaz. The beer has a fine sharpness, low to moderate bitterness.

It is characterized by stable thick foam cream color. In the aroma is gently feel caramel and coffee tones typical of roasted malts. The taste prevails then lightly malty body and coffee, which passes at the end of the taste of chocolate.

BLACK MAN 13° alc. 5,5% - dark top-fermented special - Irish stout dry
It is a type of Irish dark beer. The beer is top-fermented and has a very dark color with a thick light brown foam. The taste is felt particularly tones of dried plums, coffee and chocolate. The beer has a fine to medium vigor. Its production were used roasted barley malt.

AMERICAN PALE ALE 13° alc. 5.5% - APA
A special top-fermented beer with fruity and citrus aroma. Bitterness: higher Chmela: Premiant, Amarillo, Equinox Malt: Pilsner, Carahell

IPA 14° alc. 5,8% - foreign special
It is a special top-fermented beer, which has a beautiful amber color, aroma has medium intensity due to the use of Czech and American hops with prevailing wonderful fragrance of flowers and citrus fruits. Thanks to a strong hop bitterness has intense ...

RED GENTLEMAN 14° alc. 5,8% - Red IPA - Foreign Special
It is a top-fermented beer special semi English type ALE. This beer is characterized by its typical reddish color. The beer has a gentle to moderate vigor, dense, stable, slightly brownish foam. In its intense aroma is dominated by citrus notes, slightly caramel with a slight hint of chocolate, nuts and elderflower. After drinking remains in the mouth longer lingering mild bitterness of hops used. Middle and upper chmelením beer type lies to the American style IPA beer. K was produced using five kinds of malt beer supply low to medium malt body. To achieve interesting and intense fragrance was used, one Czech and three types of American hops. This beer is perfect for meat dishes like steak type.


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