The Nandrolone case

Groundbreaking research finds new advantages

In my opinion, the growing medical acceptance of anabolic steroid therapy for age-related hormonal decline (androgen) in men is remarkable. Finally, this resurgence follows a period of stigmatisation lasting two decades. For quite a while, most men who suffered from the negative effects of the "low T" had few opportunities. They searched the black market or just found themselves with it. Today, medical treatment is normal. Of course, doctors are pretty limited in what they can prescribe. Testosterone gels... testosterone syringes... and a few less popular testosterone supplements next to them. That's pretty much everything. There may soon be a change: A paper published in the journal Translational Andrology and Urology makes a first move to introduce a completely different steroid into the treatment dish for male hormone replacement therapy (HET): Nandrolone Decanoate. 1

The paper begins with an overview of the clinical history of Nandrolone Decanoate. One of the most important medical applications of the drug is the treatment of osteoporosis. Nandrolone increases the absorption of calcium in the bone and thus reduces the degradation. In the meantime, however, nandrolone has been replaced by more effective medications. Nandrolone has also been studied for use in muscle atrophy, anemia and a handful of other diseases. However, to date there has been little research into its benefits in the treatment of age-related male hypogonadism. The researchers of the paper suggest that nandrolone might be a drug of greatest interest for this, based on the following remarkable properties.


  1. reduces the risk of baldness

The first and most obvious difference between nandrolone and the traditional HET testosterone drug is the lower androgenicity level. This is associated, at least anecdotally, with a lower incidence (or progress rate) of androgenetic alopecia (AGA). This is attributed to the unique metabolism of nandrolone. As you can see, testosterone is strongly androgenic, mainly because it transforms into the much stronger steroid dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the area of the scalp. This local amplification is the reason why DHT is strongly associated with AGA. Nandrolone, on the other hand, converts to a much weaker steroid (dihydronandrolone) in this tissue. The result is a much more anabolic drug. Since MPB is a major concern for men and a known risk of testosterone therapy, nandrolone could fill a large gap in this area.

  1. joint healing

The researchers also suggest that nandrolone may offer a further benefit to some patients in the area of joint healing. If you've been using steroids for a while, you've probably heard the common wisdom "Deca helps with joint pain". This ancient saying is based on little more than observation and anecdotes. And you know what... it may be perfectly justified. The researchers here cite recent animal experiments that have confirmed that nandrolone supports the healing of tendon or rotator cuff injuries. If this also applies to people, as we would all expect, it means that they have come across something important here. But is this an advantage that is unique to Nandrolone? We're not sure, but at least it speaks for Deca in the HET. And we must move on at this point. Count me among the many elderly men who complain about grinding joints!

  1. better for lean body mass

Nandrolone is less androgenic and has a higher relative anabolic effect compared to testosterone. Its activity is more focused on tissue growth, making it an effective alternative or addition to traditional HET protocols. The accentuation of muscle growth is not only an aesthetic question. Hypogonadism leads to a loss of muscle mass, which in turn can lead to damage to peripheral insulin sensitivity (muscles are an important site for insulin activity). This makes it all the more difficult to maintain muscle mass, which further impairs insulin sensitivity. It is a vicious circle that can increase the likelihood of obesity, systemic inflammation and diabetes 2. Consequently, the reversal of muscle loss and the maintenance of a strong physique can be important for your health. Perhaps it is time we took a closer look at pure anabolic steroids such as nandrolone.


The researchers in this paper also identify some potential problems with nandrolone, in particular its low androgenicity level. This can sometimes lead to erectile dysfunction (ED), another fact we learned a long time ago through anecdotes. This may be another reason to investigate nandrolone as an additive or complement to testosterone therapy. This would perhaps allow for a greater (or better focused) muscle building effect, reduced androgenicity levels for patients and a lower likelihood of problems such as androgenic alopecia or ED. It's still very early, but a paper like this gives hope. Not so long ago, it could still be very damaging for one's own career to dare to make such statements. Today, however, we see a legitimate, growing field for this kind of anabolic steroids research. As always, we'll keep you up to date on MD here at MD.

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