Hi everyone, how is everyone doing? n_n

Hi everyone, thanks a lot for reading this!

Well as I had said in my intro post, I am from Scotland and I am a YouTuber and soon to be Vlogger as I want to make videos of places and to make people smile and laugh! "SACRE BLEU! MON DIEU!!!" lol! xD

I have just recently joined DTube which for those who don't know (don't worry! I've just found out about it last night! ) so I plan to upload some of my videos to that and will link my YouTube with it, I haven't got very much content or new content yet on my YouTube due to the fact that I have been really busy and am currently getting ready to move to Asia (again as I have said, I will update about that at a later date!)

Anyway, I currently live in the city Dundee which isn't very far from Edinburgh, I won't be here for long so I am thinking about making a tour video of this place and upload it to both DTube and YTube (My links are at the bottom in case you want to check them out) So if you'd all like to see a video of this city then please just say as I plan to make tons after I've finally moved back to Asia and now you much be like What Fluffy-Mallow-Hell do you mean back? I thought you where from Scotland mister!!! -Pats you on the head!- Well I am from the Scottish Highlands but I used to live in Osaka, Japan for a while a few years ago before moving back to the UK due to family issue's and have been stuck here ever since!!! lol..

So anyhoooo... Both myself and my fiancee Scarlet have decided to move to Asia and nope, Not Japan, although I do plan to go back and visit friends and make some videos while there so expect lots of anime and awesome stuff from there ...

Anyway I'm not sure what else to say here.. so I'm going to leave this at this and go get some food for both myself and Scar and watch Full metal Alchemist!

So I hope you all have a very awesome day regardless of what time it is where you all are! It's 00:06 here...

Take care everyone and stay safe!!!

My YouTube channel is: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChhyVN-uI1RIwBvEF0zFB4g
and my DTube is: https://dtube.video/c/vovimcalcifer (Nothing uploaded as of yet! ((´д`)) sorry!)

Thanks to @arbitrarykitten for letting me us this gif! ❤

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