New research claims that space-time is the product of quantum mechanics

An eloquent statement, accompanied by the desire to unify classical mechanics and quantum mechanics, gives us a unified theory of the universe: The doctrine of Everything.

A group of theoretical physicists has just made a new remark, which hurts anyone who reads through it: they explain the principles of the Universe's operation, why the Universe appears again.

According to their newly published research, space-time itself - the "canvas" lying under everything in the Universe - is the product of quantum mechanics. Strange phenomena such as quantum entanglement and quantum tunneling will be explained by the new hypothesis.
It may be strange, but the new theory is still based on a number of previous hypotheses. If you suspect the "hypothesis is not true", then again it is the nature of science: hypothesize - try to prove it right - if wrong, make another theory. As for the new research, it has the potential to bridge the two biggest doctrines in physics, there have been countless experiments proving that the two theories exist:

  • Classical mechanics - study the basic physics of mechanical things from the behavior of machines to objects of great stature in the Universe.

  • Quantum mechanics - physical study of particles and waves at microscopic levels.

The two things that work are not the same, but somehow they still follow their style. But when combining research into big things and studying small things, we will understand everything. We will have "universal doctrine".
"If a person recognizes the miraculous phenomenon of gravity as real, such as the formation of planets, galaxies or even black holes, it is also the root source of quantum puppet effects. and quantum tunneling - recognition of gravity also quantum - we will approach the unity of quantum physics and gravitation, "one of the researchers, Paulo Castro from Dai Lisbon school told Science Alert.

Before going further, we explain the facts that exist in the article.

The most plausible explanation for the composition of the Universe is probably space-time. It is the platform that unites the three-dimensional space of the Universe and the constant progress of time as one, forming the foundation for building everything.

Example for little visualization: gravitational waves from a collision of two black holes will make the space-time background vibrate, like throwing a rock into a lake, making the water ripples.
In fact, according to Einstein's theory of relativity, gravity is part of space-time, created when a giant structure bends the space-time background. You can imagine that the Sun or Earth is a heavy sphere, placed on a stretch of fabric, that the curves of the sphere create gravity on the space-time of the blanket.
It sounds very reasonable, but the problem lies here: although relativity explains the effect of gravity, quantum mechanics does not explain the effect of gravity on particles. That is not to mention the strange quantum phenomena we still know, such as:

  • Quantum entanglement: a phenomenon where two particulate matter are inextricably linked no matter how far away they are, even up to many light years away. The state of a particle will immediately affect the state of the other particle through that tight bond. Einstein could not explain this, he called it "bizarre effect".
  • Quantum tunneling: a phenomenon when a matter particle can fly through a barrier, which is normally never possible. For example, when you roll a ball into a valley: classic mechanics says that if there is not enough force, the ball will never roll over the opposite mountain; But quantum mechanics tells that the ball exists as a wave, it can completely "dig through the mountain" to reach the other side, sometimes even creeping into the middle of the mountain!

Knowledge of quantum tunneling only belongs to the small world of particles, classical mechanics cannot explain them.
And that is when new research shows me.

Based on the new doctrine dictated by Castro and the research team, the origin of space-time is the answer.

"In general relativity, space-time still exists, everything that happens will be on that space-time background," Castro said. "The flight paths of matter and their speed are all driven by how massive objects, like stars or planets, bend the space-time background. That is gravity."

"The point we point to is that space-time is not a concept that appears naturally in nature, they are the result of a complex process, the mediators of the lower atomic atoms shift from a mixed state disorder into a stable and orderly state ".

These subatomic mediators are described by the research team as "a primitive layer of foam from which, time-space formation".
Science Alert describes that state as a bowl of soup, everything is chaotic in a small bowl but over time, the soup itself stabilizes, the universal structure appears, what comes out of that.

"In fact, in our doctrine, these steady states correspond to subatomic waves, imposing the operation of space and time and will appear extreme phenomena once the framework too restrictive, it is the quantum entanglement and quantum tunneling phenomenon, "said Castro.

Based on their research, "quantum gravity can be confirmed". What is in the new research is completely hypothetical, scientists are looking to prove it is real.

Maybe the proof of it is still far away, but which way does it start with the first step? There are those who propose: it is reasonable to create a new physics, but if we reassess the old physics, find out the relationship between things that have never been related, then we will applying all research works along the development process of science in general and physics in particular.
Maybe the physics we know is already very standard, just find the relationship between them.

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