Moisturizing Your Skin with "Milk Baths" by Sunscape

Photo by Alexandr Ivanov - Pixabay

Milk Baths Benefit Your Skins Health

Winter is upon us here in western, N.Y. and the cold days can cause one to want to hunker down. There is nothing like taking a long, hot, steamy soak in the tub to soothe one's soul.

Today, I would like to share some of my favorite ingredients to include when making a milk bath. Many of the ingredients can be found in your pantry or you may want to purchase directly from me. Whichever you decide upon, I would like to talk about the benefits of some common kinds of milk used to nurture your skin. This will help you decide which ones would be most relevant to your skin type.

Let's talk % of ingredients for Milk Baths

  • 50 - 100% Powdered Milk
  • 5 - 15 % Baking Soda
  • 20% Mineral Salts
  • 5 - 10% Cornstarch
  • 10 -20% Colloidal Oats
  • 10% Dried Botanicals
  • .5% Fragrance Oil or Essential Oil

Note - These are averages and can be adjusted to your personal preference.

Base Ingredient

Of course, "Milk" is the base ingredient in a milk bath soak and what we are focusing on in this blog post. When it comes to using milk powders in your bath there are quite a few choices for you to use.

Below, I have chosen the most prevalent found today in homemade soaks. Many have similar benefits, but, some are dairy and other vegan-friendly. It is up to you to choose a favorite.

Photo by Alexandr Ivanov - Pixabay

Almond Milk: Another great milk to hydrate and nourish your skin. With Vitamins B6, C, D and E, zinc, calcium, magnesium and so much more, how could your skin not love basking in this superfood for the skin. The zinc in Almond Milk can help keep the skin free of blemishes while the flavonoids it contains are rich in anti-oxidants.

If you are sensitive and easily irritated by some ingredients, try adding the almond milk to your bath to help soothe and heal your skin. Or, take a cotton ball soaked in the milk and apply directly to the affected area. Let it dry and then moisturize with lotion.

Buttermilk: Buttermilk is high in potassium, vitamin B12, calcium, and riboflavin as well as a good source of phosphorus. Many like using buttermilk directly on the skin or in the bathwater to help reduce age spots or similar blemishes on the surface of the skin. It is known to tighten the skin's surface reducing fine lines too.

Since the milk has curd as its base and high in lactic acid the milk is filled with cleaning enzymes to nourish combination skin types. It is a natural lightening, exfoliating and softening milk to use. Just soaking for 15 minutes will soften all those rough spots making you feel like you just had a spa-like experience.

Photo by Lisa Redfern - Pixabay

Coconut Milk: With its high level of Vitamin C to aid elasticity and flexibility in the skin, it helps to prevent small wrinkles and sagging skin. The fatty acids moisturize and nourish the skin to combat dryness and itchiness, along with swelling and redness from sunburns too. It is wonderful for those that suffer from eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis.

People that tend to have areas of oily skin will benefit from coconut milk because it does not clog your pores. Due to the antiseptic properties, the milk will deep clean and hydrate your skin at the same time. If your looking for soft, supple, glowing skin that is vegan-friendly, then be sure to enjoy some in your bathwater.

Fresh, Raw Cows Milk: Many do not have the availability or afordability of different milks, so we wanted to let you know that adding cows milk will also give you many of the benefits found in the other milk products. You can add a cup of unpasteurised milk to your bath water and enjoy its benefits. It is especially good for dry-skn types, but not for oily skin. You would want to use buttermilk instead.

Photo by Yvonne Huijbens - Pixabay

Goat Milk: This is a favorite go to milk base for myself and my customers love it too. Goat milk is rich in fatty acids, proteins, and it contains glycerin naturally which is wonderful for moisturizing your skin. In fact, goat's milk has a pH level similar to our own skin.

Also, due to the high Vitamin A content in the milk, it is wonderful for repairing damaged and dry patches. Studies have shown that it can even help to reduce pigmentation, and aid acne-prone skin while reducing fine lines and wrinkles as well. Now, who wouldn’t love adding some goat’s milk into their bathing regime?

Hemp Milk: Reportedly, this vegan-friendly milk version contains the Omega-6 fatty acids to promote new skin cell growth. It is best known for its healthy dose of Vitamins A, b12, D and E. Hemp milk contains more calcium than regular milk and it is a great option for those that prefer lactose, soy, and gluten free. This milk is great for clear skin, strong nails and hair.

Photo by Rimma_Bondarenko -GettyImages

Rice Milk: Rice is a good source of B and E vitamins and is packed with antioxidants like manganese and selenium. When used regularly it will lighten scars and dark spots on your skin. If you are prone to oily skin, this is one of those milks that would be best for you to use. It will naturally balance any excess oil secretions that help reduce clogging pores. Asian women have know the secret of using rice milk for centuries. Let's face it they do have very beautiful skin.


If you want a simple bath water you can simply add 2 cups of milk to your hot water and enjoy. Or, by all means take full advantage of a spa-like experience and add as many of the additional additives that you are attracted to. It is your time! Go ahead and pamper yourself today.

Is'nt it wonderful that we don't have to drink the various milks to enjoy the benefits on the outside. Cleopatra had the right idea. She took milk baths often and supposedly was the most beautiful woman of her time. Now that is something to aspire to.

Our motto: "What you put on your body is as important as what you put into it.”

Until next time, this is Sunscape...

Sun. Scape. Ing your day

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