We got married in North Cyprus and this is how it happened! Part 1

Just under a month ago I married my boyfriend of 8 years. We arent the soppy type to remember all the "1sts" , movies watched, meals out etc. We only know the year we got together because it was my dads 50th party when he met the family.

Firstly let me tell you how we got to this point. We met at work in an office..... 200 miles apart. After a couple of years dancing around the subject we decided to meet half way. We had the best night out, in probably the worst pubs and bars in town!

We used to take it in turns each weekend going to see each other. The Friday night drive up north (England) was great for me, against the traffic, music blaring, sun setting in front of me.

The drive home on a sunday was the most depressing part of my week. The only thing that used to keep me going was one of Ricky Gervais' podcasts.  

&nbsp  After 2 years,he moved down South. This is the one decision that I will never ever be able to  make up to him, and ill be forever in his debt for that. I have young nephews,  niece and a huge family/ friends lifestyle that I just didn't know how I would ever give up and move away from. Luckily I didn't have to.  We lived with my parents while we saved for a house for just under 2 years. It was great, dinner on the table, washing & housework done, bliss! But anyone who has lived with parents  this way appreciates it cant be forever!  We bought a house, we lost a house, we bought another house  - We moved in!!
We had a huge house warming party, it was July 4th (not a big deal in England I know) - and HE PROPOSED IN FRONT OF EVERYONE!!
I was in shock....my immedite reaction because i was shocked was "F**k off!" ..........

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