Letter to My GOD.

My dear father,

I have your blessings. I am quite well and Know you too would be fine. Today I what to talk about my daily routine on steemit.

Father, you know I joined this platform in June and just like most persons I joined for some quick cash. But when quick cash was not forth coming I taught of means to make ends meet and bag some SBD. So I ventured into blogging contents that doesn't edify the soul even went as far as posting stories that are not morally right.

But, I have come to know that I am wrong after reading your word in James 4 vs 17 which says "Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin" (KJV). SIR, in this platform people do a whole lot that promote evil, blogging contents that makes the devil happy, even created a tag called NSFW but I have decided I will use this account to promote Your word not minding the reception I get from other users.

As part of my resolution I have decided that as much as Your Grace carry me I will bring to this platform contents that edifies.
I will come up with a daily manner series and higher everyday program that will help grow the faith of my followers and members of this community. I will also share with this community words from great servants of Yours' whose words you have used to transform my life. I will from time to time type directly from spiritual and motivational books and share them on this platform that through those words some persons life will receive Your touch.
I this day denounces and say NO to any form of foolishness driven by the quest to make quick cash on this platform. ALL the funds that comes from this account I will use to support and strengthen my local church, meet the needs of the needy in my own little capacity and promote Your holly name.

Father, I know there are persons on this platform who may not be happy with this decision of mine. some whales may even flag me down, down vote me and make my reputation to drop to zero but help me that my confession all through will be Your words in Hebrews 13 vs 6b which says "The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.". in all things Father, I have decided to life You up let Your words in John 12:32 (And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me) be made manifest on Steemit that men will glorify my Heavenly Father who art in Heaven.
In Jesus Name I pray


Please convey my best compliments to other members of the Trinity, the 24 Elders, the Angles who praise at thy feet, and the entire host of Heaven .

Yours affectionately,


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