The journey to quit smoking has begun

As I have mentioned in a previous post, I have been smoking for a few years now. For a majority of that time I have smoked a pack and a half a day, but at times its even as bad as two packs a day. The effect this has had on my health has been absolutely horrible. At one time I could run a mile in exceptional time, and my cardio was absolutely outstanding. Once I started smoking however that fell apart and here recently I have noticed that even the smallest of physical activities leave me absolutely exhausted and out of breath. I have also noticed several problems with my teeth as well as some minor aging on the skin on my face. So, I decided that with all the negative side effects I've been having, it's time I quit smoking cigarettes. I figured the easiest way to do this would be to buy a vape and try to replace my habit of smoking cigarettes with one somewhat less destructive, and eventually quit that too. This is going to be difficult as I am very dependent upon my cigarettes, but hopefully with time it is possible.
Anyway, thank you guys for reading and wish me luck! If you're an ex smoker please feel free to comment what worked for you and how you quit.

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