How the pursuit of a better looking body was my first step to veganism #4

As mentioned in the last blog I had (& still have) a curious mindset. I always try to look behind the curtain and ask myself the unpleasant questions in order to get to the truth and act rational.

So what was the first step that made me look into veganism?
I'd love to tell you that something extraordinary happened that changed my life over night but the truth looks quite different! It was a slow transition. I had to discover several aspects over a few months and think through all of it to come up with a believe and lifestyle that satisfies me because it aligns my actions with my moral code. (I'll cover that later on since I think that it's a key fragment!)

Back to the beginning: I was 18 years old and just left the army after my basic military service. Finally I was free again to do whatever I wanted and to go wherever I wanted - a great feeling!
It was 5 month before I had to attend university and almost everyone else I knew still had some kind of obligations (school, community service (instead of military service), work, etc.). In order to pass time and look good for the coming summer I started to work out. I started to care about my body. How it looks, feels, performs, etc. became more important and of course I wanted to improve all those aspects.
As a result of that I also had to look into nutrition and that was when my journey started.


PS: Another great TED-Talk by Dr. Alia Crum concerning the power of your mindset!

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