Home Charger Installed!

Home Charger Upgrade.jpeg

I’m excited to share that we finally have our home electric vehicle (EV) charger installed and fully operational! With two electric vehicles now in our household, managing the charging schedule has become a bit more complex, but this upgrade has made a huge difference. Our main concern has always been ensuring that both vehicles have enough energy for daily use and emergencies, and this new setup helps us stay on top of that.

Before we had this home charger, we were using a basic plug setup. It worked, but it wasn’t without its hassles. We had to untangle the charging cable and remember to plug in the cars every night. There were a few close calls where we almost forgot to charge, and one memorable time when we nearly ran out of power during a trip—something I’ve talked about in a previous post. The new charger has eliminated those worries.

The universal charger we installed is not only more convenient, but it also allows us to coordinate the best times to charge both vehicles. This is crucial, especially when balancing two EVs, as we need to make sure they’re both ready to go when needed. The charger also came with a handy adapter that makes it easy to switch between the Tesla and our other car, streamlining the process even further.

This home upgrade is a big step forward in our EV journey. It’s not just about convenience, though—it’s also about the savings we’re seeing. With gas prices being what they are, the shift to electric has been a great financial move for our family. Plus, it feels good to know that we’re contributing to a more sustainable future.

Overall, having our home EV charger installed has been a game-changer. It’s another piece of the puzzle that’s helping us fully embrace electric vehicles and all the benefits they bring. From easier charging routines to cost savings, we’re excited to continue this journey and see where it takes us.

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