[LA Adventure] Conan Show at Warner Brothers Studio

Couple weeks ago, my co-worker suggested going to see the Conan Show out of blue. I enjoy watching Conan Show clips on youtube time to time so I replied "why not?". After 5 minutes, I was notified that it's mandatory to empty November 28th because she booked the ticket on that day. LOL

And Conan Show happened yesterday.


I drove to Burbank Warner Brothers Studio.


His wavy red hair is such an iconic theme.


Before entering the studio, there was a long wait period but the waiting station had Conan monuments to take pictures with to prep excitement before show time.
Look at this big Conan version of bobble head doll!


Lol it's little embarrassing because I look so happy.




The Iron Throne with Conan's head


As a good audience, I didn't take pictures or video during the actual show. So I actually don't have pictures of Conan or pictures to prove the fact that I shook his hand!
This middle aged woman audience in the last row called him up and he surprisingly came up to give her a hug. On his way back to the stage, he was giving handshake to audiences and I happened to be at the right spot. It felt surreal to see him so close! He does have a big head. haha
Not to forget, the talk was also good because one of the guest was from SNL Show.


On the way out, my co-worker and I stopped by "Central Perk" for some hot drinks. #FRIENDS

Yesterday was such a blast!
Maybe I will apply as an audience for the Ellen Show next ;)

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