How I Became Less Serious

Walking my redefinition of how I live the word ‘serious’ has been quite a pleasant surprise. It has allowed me to be more vulnerable and open about things I need to discuss with others in my life. The redefinition has also invited more enjoyment into my life as I have accepted and allowed myself to take a step back from being so serious, to be able to loosen up by letting go of expectations and desired outcomes.

Check out my process in this blog: Lightheartedly Living the Word 'Serious' - Living Words and here: Stop Living Too Seriously! Redefining and Living the Word 'Serious'

I have found my grounding of and living my redefinition of the word serious has not so much changed my outward appearances, but has had more of an effect on the way I feel within myself, especially when relating to others. With this new redefinition, I have found it easier to work and plan with others, as well as communicate about what I am going through thus gaining more insight and understanding between myself and others in my world.

Interestingly, I have found it easier to live this definition with certain people over others. It is the people that I have already established a trust with that it comes through more naturally without so much resistance. I have more difficulty and resistance with those that I believe can hurt me and hurt me emotionally as I am quite sensitive.

I have pushed through this wall of fear several times in living my redefinition. What I did was to imagine the worst case scenario outcome of a conversation or question I was resisting, and then show myself in that projection as standing up from within the ‘hurt’. In doing this, it gave me the extra push or courage I needed to walk through the fear and open more casually in the moment, instead of suppressing and waiting for it to become a big serious issue within myself.

I also used my experience with the people I am comfortable with to show myself by my own example how easy it can be to loosen up and let go around anybody. This didn’t make it easier per se, but it did show me that another way is possible so that I can develop a natural and casual conversation even with those I am less comfortable with.

All in all I am satisfied with how I changed my living of the word ‘serious’, at least in the dimensions I saw and changed, as I am sure there is more there that can be redefined and lived. But for now, I have my ‘red flags’ to mark moments that I see myself getting too serious unnecessarily, and I have my solutions to support me in those moments.

Thanks so much for reading!

Life Changing Links:

Redefining and Living Words
Redefining and Living Words with SOUL
Self Perfection Interviews
Learning Self-Mastery

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