This sucks.

CW cancer diagnosis

So recently my sibling told me they might have lymphoma. They were over for Chinese New Year and was quite sick throughout, apparently it was supposed to be on the mend by then.

They finally got a doctor to follow up and their lymph nodes were unusually swollen.

A blood test shows that a lymphoma or leukemia diagnosis is likely and they've now been referred to a specialist.

I want to be a good deathling and treat this as Day 1 since a diagnosis means prompt treatment. My mum isn't taking this well because only a few years ago her sister died of breast cancer and her father-in-law passed away at 103.

We both cried because it's difficult to think someone who is at the peak of their health and career can just get hit by something like this.

My father and brother didn't react to the news much if at all. My sibling's boss went into a transphobic rant saying that their hormones messed with their health and that "you don't have to be a man for your girlfriend to love you".

I think even with extended family passing, it's just harder when your best friend and immediate family member is faced with a diagnosis.

I don't really know what I am asking for in this post, I guess I want a place to rant where people wouldn't start prescribing holistic cures and prayers. My sibling is an atheist and I'm agnostic.

So yeah, I'm mostly angry at the universe.

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