10 Ways I Think Different!

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Albert Einstein said we cannot solve our problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. When we think differently, we receive everything we often believe we have to work for. The tricky part is that most of us need help to think different which is what motivated me to make this video explaining 10 ways I think different!

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For those of us wanting to read, here is a summary!

  1. We are capable of telepathic communication especially when making eye contact.
  2. Diet and belief are capable of fixing all illness within the body while most medical interventions contribute to additional illness.
  3. Alcohol, drugs, medications, and most supplements are poisons to the human body.
  4. When these bodies die, we get to got Home. Many of our immortal souls will choose to reincarnate here again after a visit with the angels and God while others will go to another planet.
  5. We choose our parents and lives here.
  6. The US government is run by the military from Nevada and provides orders to the politicians in Washington DC.
  7. The United States military made "first contact" after World War II with the same extraterrestrial beings that were helping the Germans and have actively collaborated ever since by receiving technology in exchange for total control.
  8. We are genetically engineered worker robots not native to this planet created by "God" which was a technologically advanced extraterrestrial that continues to modify and upgrade us today through vaccines.
  9. Our moon and earth are hollow, full of life, and represented to a galactic counsel similar to the federation in Star Trek.
  10. No one else exists and everything happens now. We/I am/are the beginning and the end. The alpha and the omega. We live every life, die every death, and are free forever to do whatever we want. We and I are one including love, God, and all the teaching of religions.

Thank you for watching and I hope this video was helpful today to think differently!

Jerry Banfield

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