Get Radical with your Feedback...Honesty Heals

Authenticity is our true nature. It is what we crave to be, what we feel lost without, what inspires us most, and what frees us beyond physical circumstance. When we are ourselves, we are living fully. Authenticity is the nature of being true to our selves. Telling ourselves and others the truth about how we feel, and acting on it. Creating what we feel passionate about, communicating our needs, asking for what we want, following our inner guidance and intuition, and accepting our greatness is what it means to be living authentically. Authenticity is the flow. So, if we are not in authenticity, we are not going with the flow.

Screenshot 2017-11-28 at 10.25.21 PM.png pic of me during the filming of my Living Art video

Many people have a misconception about being in the flow... They assume it means to just let things happen and be ok with whatever is going on, or to entertain whatever is presented to them. Maybe you are walking down the street and someone trips you on accident. Going with the flow doesn't mean you don't say anything or repress your anger or pain. It means you stay with what is coming up for you. How do you feel? Communicate that. What do you need or want? Ask for that. what are you inspired to do now? Do that. To be in flow is to be in good holistic health.

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Our circulation flows, our creativity, our communication... it all can flow with grace and ease. Being in flow means to be without stagnation, to not bottle things up or let them build in us. Speaking the truth is one way to let go of stories and resentments that are toxic so you be in flow. Acting on what inspires you by making art, starting a project, or building your dreams is going with the flow. Saying yes and no, noticing opportunities or discerning when something is not in alignment with what is best for you is going with the flow. In other words, being authentic is the flow, and the flow is your natural state. So, get in the flow! Tap into that shit.

Screenshot 2017-11-28 at 10.28.08 PM.png Still shot of me in my Living Art video

It's simple, really. Be honest with yourself. If you are inspired to say or do something, act on that. Whatever you are holding in is what you are making yourself sick about. It's time to express yourself! Say what you mean, and let go of the fear to be heard. Do what you feel, and let go of the fear to be seen. You are here to do great things, and you are the only one holding yourself back by not getting honest. You know what you really want, now go for it! Being honest can heal almost anything, even stage fright!

Screenshot 2017-11-28 at 10.24.49 PM.png pic of me during the filming of my Living Art video

A great resource for learning to speak up and get honest is the book BREAKING NORMAL by Daniel Eisenman. I have personally adopted this book as my inspiration for empowered action. I encourage you to read it if authenticity is something you want more of in your life. You can purchase his book on Amazon and Audible. Here is a link!

Daniel Eisenman's 'Cool Bus'


Daniel Eisenman's Book Breaking Normal

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