Life can be a pain in the ass sometimes...

Last Thursday, I felt a slight twang in my hamstring. I have had issues with muscles in and around the hamstring, the Medial Glute, Piriformis, and the non-muscle element known as the sciatic nerve.

I applied ice, I rest. I took it easy. No go. Full blown cripple forty eight hours later, with rotation, extension and other movement an agony. It's been a week of using ice, heat and massage to smooth out the muscles in that region; and it has put a major hurdle in my way back onto the exercise train.

my life for the last few days...

Today was the second day I left the house in the last week. I ventured outside yesterday for a walk around the block, and just got back from doing the same. I'm having a lunch break at the moment, as I've been working from home all week.

There is still a slight pain in the central part of my glute, as the muscles there are yet to be back to normal, but I can walk again with a slight hobble instead of in being in sheer agony. That marks 1087 steps so far today, a far-cry from the defacto daily goal of 10,000 that I will be starting on Monday. I'll have more stuff about that soon. I've still got more than 48 hours of recovery to go before I start to exert myself again. Small steps. Pun intended.

It is officially Spring here in Australia, so the weather is starting to improve. Look at this guy, enjoying the beatiful day we have today:

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