Place "El-Hedim" and "Bab Mansour" : Historical treasures of Meknes, Morocco !

Hello everyone,

I had a lovely outing to "El-Hedim" Square, a historic site located in Meknes. The weather was mild and pleasant. I noticed that the square was less crowded than usual.

"El-Hedim" Square is much more than just a space in the heart of Meknes. It is a place where history and life intertwine. For centuries, locals have gathered here to exchange, entertain, or simply meet up. With every walk across this square, I am reminded that, even in the midst of our busy lives, we walk in the footsteps of those who shaped this city.

"El-Hedim" Square, in particular, is a true historical symbol. It has withstood the test of time, evolving over the years while always maintaining its central role in the identity of Meknes. For those who don't know, its name "El-Hedim" in Arabic means: Demolition. This refers to a period when parts of the old walls and buildings were demolished to expand the area, creating the large open square we know today.

Over the years, "El-Hedim" has undergone several transformations. It has always been a place of social and commercial life in the heart of the medina, hosting markets, gatherings, and popular festivals. Today, efforts are underway to restore its full splendor. Among the proposed projects, there is talk of restoring the surrounding buildings and walls, improving infrastructure to make it more attractive, and regularly organizing cultural events.

The goal is to make "El-Hedim" a place that reflects both the authenticity of its past and the modernity of a city looking to the future, while strengthening its role in the cultural and tourist heritage of Meknes.

This is where I do my daily meditation session. Sometimes I sit in a chair under the big, imposing wall, enjoying the calm and shade it provides. Other times, I prefer to go to a café close to the square, where I sit and sip a delicious orange juice, which I love.

And of course, when friends or family come to visit me from other cities, the first thing I do is bring them here. This historic place, with its unique beauty and peaceful atmosphere, is the perfect place to show them the very essence of this city.











I also took a few photos of the historic gate "Bab Mansour" which is right across from the square, a gigantic gate that reflects the glorious era of "Moulay Ismaïl" [Moulay Ismaïl is one of the most famous kings of Morocco and one of the most prominent rulers of the Alaouite dynasty. He reigned from 1672 to 1727, and his reign is often described as one of the longest and most powerful in Morocco's history]. The "Bab Mansour" gate is a masterpiece of Islamic art with its geometric patterns and imposing structure. It long served as the main entrance to the imperial city, enhancing its prestige. Unfortunately, the restoration work is not yet completed, which is why it is still covered by a tarp.

"Bab Mansour" is truly one of Meknes' jewels! This monumental gate is not only the largest in the city but also one of the most impressive in Morocco. When you stand in front of it, you feel all the history surrounding you.

The name "Bab Mansour" comes from the architect who designed it, "Mansour Laalej." He really left his artistic mark with the beautiful green and blue mosaics that adorn the gate, as well as the Arabic inscriptions that add a mystical touch.

Today, when you walk in front of "Bab Mansour", you really feel that it is more than just a gate. It is a window into Meknes' glorious past, a reminder of King "Moulay Ismaïl"'s ambitions, and above all, proof of the incredible talent of Moroccan artisans from that era.






After a long walk, I decided to sit down for a moment to rest. As I looked around, I admired the massive historic walls and watched tourists from all over the world strolling through this beautiful city. Then, without warning, an adorable little companion came to keep me company. This cute and curious little cat found me alone and probably decided that I needed a friend to share this quiet moment with 😍, a true little piece of unexpected joy!








Thank you so much for reading. See you soon for another post!

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Photos taken by my own phone (Samsung Galaxy A04s).

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