
Tonight was another test of manhood of sorts. I forgot my big ol' medium Burger Kangz cup of vitamin water. So I knew I'd be hurting, sooner or later...I just didn't know when. The gym I'm at does have a water fountain...but keep in mind, I'm trying to stay mobile the entire time. All that time to walk to the fountain between sets, gulpgulpgulpgulpgluglugugugug, return to machine, gets in the way of what I'm trying to do. That, and the water isn't that cold anyway. All of that being said, I still went into tonight with nothing but the intent to kick ass.

Incline Elliptic Machine(Cardio): 60 minutes at level 7/30 difficulty. I maintained a solid 150 paces per minute average the entire time. I would drop to 144 for the second or two it took me to catch myself while picking more songs...but that was it, really. Much better than last time. Next time...I want 155 average or higher.

Bench Press (70 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. Incredibly, I didn't feel like I'd done my fingertip pushups and bicep curls, tricep extensions before this. I managed without any shaky armed fits.

Pec Fly(70 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. And then the shaky armed fits came upon me. Still finished like a bauss though.

Abdominal Fuse (70 lbs): 50 reps, no breaks. I keep tweaking my form with this one, now that I've noticed the foot brace at the bottom. I get that I'm supposed to keep my legs together and feet braced under that thing, now all there is to figure out is my hand placement. Placing my hands lower on the grip bars seems to make the muscles in my core work harder...will be testing this in depth next time.

Leg Extension(70 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. My body hates me a little more every time I do this one. But I'll live with it. A little spice keeps the relationship exciting. >:D

Seated Leg Curl(70 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. ...And by contrast, my body is a little more easy-breasy-beautiful...no. We ain't goin' there. Point being, this one was much easier than last time.

Leg Press (70 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. I flew through this one by looking it as not a set of 30, but forcing low-grade amnesia on myself after every 5th rep, keeping a dim awareness of how many blocks of 5 reps I had done.

Chest Press(70 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. By the time I got to this one, my chest and arms were collectively like aghhhhhhh....I did it, but it took me a long time. And it was paaainful.

Shoulder Press(70 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. Flew right through it.

Lateral Pull-Down (70 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. Slow and steady, but I did it easy enough.

Lower Back Fuse(70 lbs): 50 reps, no breaks.

Seated Row(70 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. I almost worry that I'm going too fast with this one now. My chest keeps jerking against the pressure pad when I pull, and I feel like I'm tugging myself into the pressure pad as much as I am pulling the weights up.

Bicep Curl(25 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks.

Tricep Extension(30 lbs): 30 reps. 15 emphasizing the left arm, 15 emphasizing the right arm, no breaks.

Fingertip Pushups: 11 reps. I was aware how silly I looked, getting down all serious like "Yeah maaan. Let's do this." and then walking away after 11. We can all laugh for now, but let's get it straight that soon enough I'll be doing sets of 60 and 70. #BelieveIt

Bike(Cardio): 37 minutes. By the time I got to this I had already stopped sweating, and was starting to feel like a fever was upon me, without the bacteria and infections being fought. Yeah. Overheating ain't fun. Your body not having enough fluid to produce sweat is less fun. REGARDLESS!!! >:D
I still did it. Increased by 1 difficulty every 10 minutes...maintained a pace in the 105-114 RPM range...and then by minute 36 I rapidly felt like I was falling asleep. I played a rapid and intensive game of mental volleyball, weighing my options and what I could/should do...and after much beratement (Time in the mind is much more abundant than time in real-space, I hear), I quit pedaling and got up from the machine at 37:44. Did the shower, forgetting to be hyper-paranoid about the whole s h o w e r i n g i n p u b l i c thing, and found myself walking home without understanding why. I then assaulted the fridge after staggering through the front door like a deranged, ultra-hawt zombie, guzzling every water bottle, protein milk, regular milk, and fruit juice that was unlucky enough to be in there at the time. I eventually felt better. I celebrated this development by collapsing and enjoying a nice, crisp, 11 hour coma.

For tonight's musics, I chose something from over 6 years ago, during my days of playing Sherwood Dungeon MMORPG. I had hopped between 3 different clans during my time on that modern day shit-show, and in my time during the last one that broke me of any attachment to the concept, I had also started getting into Youtube as a means of observing what defined the people I was surrounding myself with. Two members of the same clan I'd been part of had put a video on Youtube of them sparring to this song.
Call it sentimental and all, but that song and that video are part of my small catalogue of memories involving either of the people. And regardless of how things turned out, I had fun with them before I saw who I really was to them. It was good for a charge on that elliptical, halfway through. Orson, with their song "No Tomorrow", ladies and gents. :D

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