Where have I been?

Hi guys!

The last couple of months have just flown by and the last piece I have written was in April, that is waaaaayyyyy to long of a pause!

So let me re-introduce myself...
Hi I am Lianne and I like everything Disney.
I started this blog to write down some stuff going on in my life, and to write about a lot of things Disney!
Because I was (still am a bit) a mental wreck, my posts were going more about my life and its struggles than Disney, I am not sorry for that because it helps me get my thoughts out of my head and I will continue doing that.

The last couple of months were a Rock 'n Rollercoaster! I never thought I'd be able to move to the next school year and was afraid I would get stuck in my third year, I lost my motivation to the point I didn't even felt like doing my exams anymore. But I did them and passed the only one needed to go to my graduation year! With the motivational support of my parents, boyfriend and co-worker/mentor I went to my sitting and passed somehow!
My boyfriend had to pass his thesis this year (and he did) and that took out most of my energy, with him being stressed out, me trying to study but also help him, sleepless nights, all-nighter study sessions we are finally able to say we can have a well-deserved summer break!

Oh wait! Did I say co-worker? Yes guys, this girl has a job! You are looking at the new English teacher at the bakery academy! #goalsreached #teacher/pastrychefgoals!!


How to move on?

So today I decided to take a look at this, almost neglected, blog and made a few changes. I fixed some layouts, tweaked it up a little and am going to try and keep this thing alive. Because I like it and it gives me the motivation to do different sorts of things! I have a lot to show you! So check it out if you have the time.

Al of my blog posts will be posted in the section DIS DAY. Browsing further you will come across DIS FOOD and DIS BEAUTY, where I will post food related things and makeup/beauty related stuff, preferably Disney style. My first nail-art video is coming soon, so keep your eye out for that!

New year, new me!

Most of do this at the beginning of a new year, but why wait if you can start whenever you like! So as of today, I started my new me. Putting the scattered pieces of my life back together. I started my 21K training again because I don't actually want to die while I'm doing the 36K challenge in September (yes, I officially am taking part). I changed the layout of my workspace, to bring more peace of mind. And I continue to meet up with psychologists to figure out my own thoughts. I am also setting up everything to start my school year and job fresh and with an (almost) clean slate. YAY ME!

Thank you guys!

To finish this, I just want to say thank you to all of the people who kept believing in me while I couldn't figure out how to believe in myself, you really kept me from falling off the cliff. Without you, I probably couldn't have done all of this!

Keep your eye out for new content on this site and enjoy this lovely summer weather!

May you wish upon a star, let those dreams come true and always have a magical day!

Don’t forget!
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"Around here, we don't look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious... and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.

- Walt Disney -

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