Welcome foolish mortals


Blog or not to blog

With the new year coming up I decided to start a blog.
But what should I write about? I have so many things I adore to do and to tell you about; teaching, stationary, studying, baking, Disney, the English language... Wait a minute! YES! Disney!

Disney has always been my true love!
So I decided to shape this blog around Disney, oh man, I could go on 24/7 about ''all things Disney'' (unfortunately, that name is already taken).

All about Disney?

Well, not all about Disney, but believe me if I tell you it wouldn't be me if I don't throw in a Disney reference or two here and there.
Because I don't live in the midst of the Magic Kingdom (or for me in Paris), and I have my study and (somewhat) adult life to focus on as well, it would be impossible for me to give you ins 'n outs about Disney every day.

So let's say, this is a Disney blog with daily (non-magic) topics as well. Are we content with that? Yes? NO? Well so be it, I cannot please everyone, thank you.

So what's up with this blog?

First of all, I decided to start off with different pages for topics. Because there is so much to write about in life, I just cannot bear the idea of disorganization of this blog site. So I split up the topics.

First up we have 'Dis Me,' you can already guess, this is the page on which I introduce myself a little. Second, you'll see 'Dis Food,' a separate page for all things food-related. This could be recipes (I am a pastry chef after all) or just reviews on some Disney foods, nomnom. Dis Day is dedicated to daily or Disney life. This could include my thoughts on school, things I encountered during the day or of course A VISIT TO DISNEY PARIS (and hopefully the other parks in the far future).

But what about Dis Journal?

Almost forgot that one, oops!
Last but not least, Dis Journal. I must admit, I am such a planner junkie I even made my own planner for 2018 and aside from my planner I use a BuJo (bullet journal). My BuJo challenge for 2018 is to theme my monthly spreads Disney related, because why not?
With 'Dis Journal' I will keep you up to date on my BuJo adventures and maybe it could be some inspiration for your own bullet journal.

Welcome Foolish Mortals

Of course this is a Haunted Mansion reference!
But really, welcome to this blog. I hope you enjoy reading, get inspired and most of all learn some magic!
And let me know what you think (or what you would like to read about) in the comments.

Have a magical 2018!

Here you leave today and enter the world of yesterday, tomorrow and fantasy!

  • Walt Disney, Disney Parks -


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