FUCK CANCER .. introducing my amazing mother Kathleen

Hello steemians sorry i haven't been around I am back for now.

So today I want to talk about that dreadful nasty thing we call CANCER .

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So two years ago my amazing mother ( 58 yrs old ) was diagnosed with Lung Cancer in the right middle lobe of her lung

on the 15th June 2016 We went to the hospital where she went under surgery to have the middle section (lobe) of her lung removed .

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After many hours under the knife they successfully removed the cancer taking a couple of her Lymph Nodes also she was very poorly in Intensive Care for a number of days under so many machines Lung drains nurses ( may I say if it wasnt for them we would not have the proper care needed in the hospitals ,)

before finally getting her up and moving slowly to which after a few more days she could be moved to a normal ward .

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12 days later she was able to come home where she was under Christie's Care one month later she was completely free of Cancer and did not have any need for chemo or radiation .


However A month later after some blood tests She was diagnosed again with secondary Cancer

Again back to Christie's for Pep scans to find out she had cancer in the Lymph node just above her heart .
Again Doctors and Nurses rushed to find out what as the best treatment for her .
They could not operate at it was too soon after her Lung operation and the lung was still not Healed or normal (flat) at the bottom so if they attempted such an operation it would kill her .

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So they opted for RADIATION THERAPY -

It was decided she would have to attended Christie's every day for 8 weeks to go through 15 minutes radiation therapy , They tattooed her between her breasts and on each side of her chest with a small black dot , for the machine to be positioned every day Weeks into her therapy she was so strong but becoming very sore her skin was red and blistered from the therapy but she stuck it out ... ( I am so proud of her) .

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At week 8 she got to RING the bell .

which states you have finished treatment , ( SHE RANG IT SO LOUD) nearly pulling the bell off the wall hahaha ...

When treatment was over she had to wait 12 weeks to find out if she was cancer free as Radiation Therapy creates scar tissue around Cancer so if she was to have any x-rays or scans it would show up as a shadow so the wait began again to wait for that scar tissue to break down .

12 weeks later

She went for her scan and was completely Cancer free again for the 2nd time she Beat Cancer.
She avoided any form of Chemo . And started her remission ,

So for a few months we have been enjoying the moments and showing the CANCER the big FUCK YOU'S for four months

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this past week only 4 month into remission she has been diagnosed again with cancer again .

3rd time round

She has another pep scan coming up on Friday but has said to her that the only treatment she can receive now is Chemo

So as a family we have our sleeve's rolled up and ready to Battle this vile fucking horrid bastard we call ( CANCER )
For the final time I HOPE .. The cancer has returned in her lymph nodes above the heart yet again


Cancer does not choose race , age , popularity , NOTHING it has no gender But I will say this

Sorry dear steemian's I needed to vent . But wanted to show you all my amazing MOTHER she is my world , my best friend and one of the strongest women I have ever known


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If you enjoyed this content, then why not donate some bitcoin or ethereum ALL DONATIONS WILL BE GOING TO CANCER RESEARCH AT CHRISTIE'S
| Bitcoin Wallet Address | 1NU5jXjsfBcA8HS863AvPiCoYMBPE19e9n|
| Ethereum Wallet Address | 0x0a6c37a3A3757639B30630781Aa7AD4620CD3231 |

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