Dee's Daily Blog

Warehouse Dating

Hello again, I'm pleased I can write this blog again. I couldn't do it for several days because of rl commitments.

How was everyone's Easter? Mine was bad :(

I worked solidly every free moment on Good Friday and Easter Saturday so that the rels would have an enjoyable Easter meal on Sunday.

Well, it was horrific. One person got annoyed with another because he was so greedy and the greedy person made it worse by laughing at her. Another person had eaten so fast that he had finished a whole roast dinner with all the works before I got to the table as I had to wait four minutes for the Yorkshire puddings to brown off.

The experience progressed like that all through.

I'm pleased to get that off my chest even though I know this blog isn't read by anyone, haha. I hope to write again tomorrow. 'Bye for now!

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