When The Cat’s Away...

The mice will play, that’s how the saying goes anyway, suggesting that, when your spouse or significant other is away from the house and, you have time to yourself, you’re going to do mischievous things that are out of the ordinary. Well, @puravidaville is on a three day #adventure right now in Panama City with a few of the girls we met in Golfito, Costa Rica. I’m just doing what any other mouse would do when the cat’s not home. 😉

I got in the kayak and went for an eight mile paddle across the bay, up and down the mangroves and back, just taking it all in. As I passed the fellas en route to the docks, I said “I’m going to go see how quiet it is out there.” Eh, what’s up, #steemit? Thanks for clicking on this article—this is what it sounded like today:






Right around here somewhere is when I realized all of the gray clouds hadn’t lifted and it’s possible it could rain. The saying “when it rains it pours” must be referring to Golfito Bay—the roads are rivers when it pours here, getting caught in a kayak, in the ocean, in the middle of a downpour would be no bueno. I started trippin out a little bit thinking about the possibilities, should it rain, and how the kayak would fill up with water. I was way too far from land to deal with a boat full of water. I should’ve checked the weather report! I put a little more effort into my paddling and got closer to shore.




Fish were jumping around me a few times, I saw about four large boils in the water of feeding fish. I couldn’t get any pictures of them—they wouldn’t set still long enough for a #photo. The monkeys were very vocal today, I wasn’t able to see any, I just listened to their howls echo across the bay. The sun finally began to shine through the cloud cover. The thought of rain passed and I realized I’d gone all the way across the bay without any drinking water—none! No weather report and no water—I’m so unprepared.



I don’t know what kind of birds those are in the above picture, they were white with pink wings and long legs. This next picture is a structure someone calls home. The island in this picture is uninhabitable, there’s no energy or running water but these people are making it happen—some ‘cowboys,’ wouldn’t you say, @janton?


I decided to begin my return paddle the three or four miles across the bay to the docks. It was pretty nice outside, the sun wasn’t too bad but I didn’t bring any sunblock—danget! No sunblock nor a weather report and no drinking water. Unprepared is an understatement.





I made it back unscathed, first things first, I need some water—stat! That was a nice paddle, thanks for touring with me! One thing’s for sure, I won’t give Pura Vida a hard time about her planning habits anymore. She plans, I don’t—at all! If she was here—we would’ve had water, sunblock, known the weather report and she probably would’ve brought a few apples, too, or peanuts or something. I’ll try to do those things next time.

It looks like I beat the rain by a few hours—it just began pouring about five minutes ago and the street is already turning into a river:




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