BREAKING out of your Comfort Zone

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Comfort Zone’s can appear to be nice…. BUT!!!

Have you ever heard the saying “Comfort zones are great but nothing ever grows there”?

That couldn’t be any more true my friends…

I’m want to share with you a few funny stories of some of my biggest breakthroughs these last few months. (WHEN I LEFT MY COMFORT ZONE)

#Story 1

A few months ago I decided to enroll in a Personal Development course called the Landmark Forum…

And when I left my house the day I registered… I looked at my wife and I told her, “there’s no way in hell I’m signing up for this s*** ”

…those were my exact words!

To be 100% honest I was terrified!!

I was so scared of the unknown and I was scared to take that leap of faith…

What if I found something out about myself that I didn’t know or want to resolve??

So here i am 4 hours later in Detroit at the registration… with my arms crossed thinking.. “what is this lady that is speaking right now going to tell me that I don’t already know”. LOL

I had the most negative outlook on the whole situation and it was so funny because in that moment a light bulb went off and I said “you know what… I coach people on my team daily on having an empty cup and keeping an open mind so why in the world am I sitting here with a full cup not willing to learn anything?”

It was that moment that I decided that even though the fear in my mind was telling me don’t do it… don’t sign up…

I forced myself to go straight back to the table and sign up.

What I got out of that decision was my entire life.

I had no problems with my marriage, I had no issues with my relationship with my son, but I’m telling you right now…by me getting out of my comfort zone and going to that course…It saved my marriage. It saved my relationship with my son.

If I hadn’t gone, I could have wrecked it all myself.

Subconsciously or consciously, I would have never known until it was too late and I had already self sabotaged everything I loved.


Was it worth leaving my comfort zone? Hmmmm…

Another example…

My wife and I LOVE to travel.

We have traveled all over the United States this last year and sometimes we have traveled with little to no money when we left for our destination!

Like the time when we went to a tattoo convention in Louisville and we had about about 20 bucks (dollars) to our name..

I think we had just enough money to get there and it was totally outside BOTH of our comfort zones.


You go a couple states away, stay at some random apartment you found online, with no money on hand…not even to eat.

What ended up happening that weekend… just by taking that leap of faith.. my wife ended up bringing home almost $1,500!!? (Yes my wife makes money too)

To add to this story, she had no appointments booked prior to us going!

What I think really happened was we obeyed our inner voice telling us to go and the Universe (GOD) then delivered everything we needed!

It forced us to build relationships with NEW people, we got to try eating new foods.



You cannot put a price tag on that. You cannot get these experiences to grow while you’re in a comfort zone.

Example #3

A few months ago I had gotten back from my trip to Florida… my buddy Ben and I went to Naples for a Ray Higdon Home Business Intensive training.

When I came back I had just enough money to pay my bills…

I got invited to come RIGHT BACK to Naples to go to Ray Higdon’s personal branding and marketing bootcamp! I also just recently had two new partners in our business that I wanted to meet and coach..

I really wanted to go back down in such short notice.. but I didn’t know “how”.

I didn’t have the money and I decided that you know what…

I knew that any time I’d taken a leap of faith and trusted the Universe incredible things happened…

So… baby O, Elizabeth and I packed up our bags and we had just enough money for food and gas to get there…Once again.. LOL

And just so you know…We had the most incredible trip of our entire lives!!

It was like break through after break through kept happening!

Living in Florida was a whole different experience for us especially coming from Ohio!

The cost of living, the culture, the food, language, and we even had to adjust to the traffic!

Everything was so different but we learned how to work with people who are just so different than us…

how to live with people who are totally different than us…

how to grow continuously regardless of any out word circumstance…

and by doing so I was able to take our business to the next level and I was super excited to go but I didn’t know how I was going to make it work… but I ended up making it and the most incredible thing happened…

I actually found my life’s purpose! I finally have my crystal clear vision..

I finally know where I’m supposed to be and where I’m going.

Ray Explained:

“Why’s” are not powerful enough to pull you.. But vision is!

The “why” is an external payoff to usually make you feel good.

Prior I had no vision of where I wanted to go.. but if I had not grown out of my comfort zone, taken a leap of faith, stayed in a hotel room with 7 dudes that I did not know… I knew three or four of them but the other ones that had no clue who they were…

I jumped out of my comfort zone and I built the most incredible relationships.

But most importantly, I actually got clarity on who I am in this world.

The role that I play. I learned the responsibility of who I am and what I’m supposed to be doing in this world.

I’m so excited to be living a fulfilled life now..

Before it felt as if I was just existing.

There’s a saying that most successful people jump off the cliff and figure out how to fly on the way down.

Which couldn’t be any more accurate.

I’ll tell you this… every successful person that I got to listen to that weekend..

every person who made over a million dollars a year…

they all had one thing in common and it was that not one of them was ready when they started to go and play big.

Not one of them was ready when they took their biggest leaps of faith.

and by doing so they got their entire life out of it.

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