Health Tips #1 - Your Health is your greatest Wealth


Why are so many of us plagued with so many dis-eases, you may ask. Well for starters, people are eating poorer quality food, consuming food and drinks that are full of sugar, not to mention the poisons, vaccines and growth hormones used in the agricultural industry.

So, how can we return to a state of vibrant health? To begin with, eat as much unprocessed organic food as possible, cut down on tea, coffee, and sugar-laden drinks. Drink a lot of pure water daily; it assists in eliminating toxins from your body. Avoid taking drugs unnecessarily, but if you must, for whatever reason, take the time to educate yourself on alternatives for that specific condition.

In my opinion clean, natural food is better medicine than any drug.

Antibiotic Remedy

This combination of ingredients is a natural way to strengthen your immune system and
improve your overall health. Prepare the following mixture in a glass jar with a lid. For the best
results take a tablespoon full every morning.

1 small glass jar with a lid
1 Tbsp. turmeric
2 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar
1 Tbsp. lemon rind finely grated
100 gr. Organic honey
Pinch of black pepper
Stir the mixture well and store in the refrigerator


Arthritis and Acidity

If you suffer from arthritis (which could be caused by excess acidity in your body) or need to control your body‘s acidity, here is an excellent way to do it.

Drink a cup of hot water with two tablespoons of honey and one tsp. of cinnamon powder twice a day (morning and night). When taken regularly, even chronic arthritis improves.

Another alternative to relieving acidity and aiding your digestion would be to mix 1 tsp. of cinnamon powder and 2 tablespoons of honey. Mix it well into a paste and eat it slowly. Do this every morning on an empty stomach.

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Your life does not get better by chance,




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