The White-Wash of Europe

KIng James.jpg

or is King James white?

fake King James.jpg

The pictures of King James (King James Version of the Bible King James) are shown as an example of a white-wash.

I really started looking into all of this after I put together information in my grid spreadsheets after, after connecting the dots of cities , for example, and found a line of dots (cities) that goes through Scotland and England. And keep in mind that the ancient civilization was aligned globally, with itself and the stars. The grid spreadsheets I compiled reveal that it was unified, and there was no place on the planet that this civilization was not. It was North, South, East & West.

Several years ago, before I started connecting dots, I read a book by Gary Biltcliffe called the "Spine of Albion." I was first introduced to his work in a Megalithomania presentation about his work.

He and his partner Carolyn uncovered a North-South line that connected seats of power, that contained 33 nodal points, and they dowsed the male and female dragons of energy that criss-crossed these nodal points, which they named Belinus and Elen. They found out a lot of interesting things as they followed the energy lines.

He is an Intuitive, and dowser, and his journey brought him to uncovering a Cygnus alignment in the British Isles that runs from the Isle of Wight (which is shaped like a coccyx) at the bottom of England to Faraid Head at the tip of Scotland.

I purchased the book several years after seeing the video, and it contains tremendous information. Highly recommend it if you are interested in learning more. One of the things that he mentioned is that they found out (through their dowsing) the Battle of Culloden in 1745 (in which the Jacobite forces of Charles Stuart were defeated by English Loyalists, and after which, following up on the military success won by their forces, the British Government enacted laws further to integrate Scotland – specifically the Scottish Highlands – with the rest of Britain) took place on one of the 33 nodal points.

This is a picture of Rannoch Moor in Scotland. Note the block-shaped rocks in the foreground, and the pyramidal shape in the background.

Rannoch Moor.jpg

The Moors, as they are called Great Britain are defined as: "An expanse of open, rolling infertile land."

Here is a picture of Scales Moor in Yorkshire:

Scales Moor.jpg

So what if they are telling you about the actual human Moors...without actually telling you. The geographical Moors I have seen pictures of are covered with massive stones and stone-work.

Same thing with the Ouachita Mountains in Eastern Oklahoma and Western Arkansas. The places are named after the people who lived there.

This picture of King George III of England is out there - you know, the American Revolution King George:

King George III.jpg

And his wife, Queen Charlotte (who is acknowledged to be a Moor):

Queen Charlotte.jpg

There is also this picture of Holy Roman Emperor Charles V out there in cyberspace:

Holy Roman Emperor Charles V.jpg

Okay, so hold on a minute. Say what????

In case you think I am really off-base with this, these links show evidence for a different European history from what we have been taught:

Here is a comparison photo of Ksiaz Castle in Poland (completed in 1292) shown in the second video, with Chateau Frontenac in Quebec City, said to be built for the Canadian Pacific Railway and opened in 1893:

Ksiaz-Castle, Poland.jpg

Chateau Frontenac.jpg

Not an exact match, but I see enough similarity to scratch my head and make me wonder, especially since I have been studying this subject for awhile. Once I really understood who built all the castles, and other buildings, I see the same architectural features in very different places and building types, from castles to private homes.

And if you don't think there are castles in the United States, think again!!! Will do a separate blog on this, but here is a nice example - Belvedere Castle in New York City's Central Park:

Belvedere Castle.jpg

In the foreground you have ancient stone work; in the middle Belvedere Castle; and in the background you have a building that looks like a Moorish architectural style. But you may say someone built the castle in 1869! I think the castle was there long before 1869, and they just make up stories and put plaques on these castles, and all manner of structures built by the master builders of this land that no one knows were here because they were removed from the historical narrative. I think our history books relate a false narrative, and timelines have been shifted from what they actually should be, which would account for Moorish buildings in more modern times.

Back to European Royalty. I learned a lot from Peter Moon, who I learned about from UFO teacher Rick Smith. Both men bring in a lot of information about the Moors, and I will be referring to them occasionally. Probably will give them a blog post. Peter's work let me to understand the very many rabbit holes associated with the Moors, and I found my own rabbit holes along the way in my own journey to find the Moors.

I bring this up because I learned from him that King Roger II of Sicily was a Moor. His royal mantle was used in the coronation ceremonies of the Holy Roman Emperors. It is in the Imperial Treasury in Vienna, Austria.

Here is a video about the Royal Mantle of King Roger II, and of course the commentators refer to King Roger as a Christian king as they describe the power of the Islamic imagery and symbolism of the mantle.

Now let's take a comparative look at architecture in Palermo, Sicily and architecture in Morocco:



I would also like to point out that there is an alignment that passes through Sicily - through Messina, Mt. Etna, and Catania. The alignment starts in San Francisco, and passes through the Gilbert Islands, the Caroline Islands, the Phillipines, the Gulf of Tonkin, Myanmar, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey, Greece, the Aegean Sea, Sicily, Malta, Tunisia, Algeria, Mauretania, the Cape Verde Islands, and more countries.

I was in the U. S. Army stationed in Augsburg, Germany, from 1983 - 1985. I was pleased to have an European duty station as I loved European history, and when I was there sought to learn as much as I could about where I was. I had purchased a big picture book about Augsburg with the most famous historical places of interest. So I knew then that the Augsburg Cathedral had the oldest stained glass windows in the world, and that they had been taken into safe-keeping during World War II.

It wasn't until couple of months ago when I was watching a video that it was brought to my attention that the figures depicted on the stained glass windows of a Christian Cathedral were black....

Augsburg Stained Glass.jpg

There are Black Madonnas in Monasteries throughout Europe - Here are a couple of examples:

Montserrat, Spain -

Monserrat Black Madonna.jpg


The monastery sits on Montserrat, near Barcelona, and the stones surrounding it are typical of an Ancient infrastructure site. this location also sits on a long-distance alignment, but I know from Gary Biltcliffe's work that the same Belinus line that goes through Spain and France before it enters England.

Benedictine Abbey & Church, Einsiedeln, Switzerland -

Einsideln Black Madonna.jpg

Einsiedeln Abbey.jpg

The architecture of this monastery in Switzerland has characteristic Moorish signatures of onion domes, massive size and building facade ornamentation.

This is St. Maurice (Moritz), Patron Saint of Germany -

St. Moritz.jpg

The story goes he was an Egyptian and Commander of the Theban Legion in the Roman Army that came to clear the St. Bernard Pass in Switzerland around 287 A.D. where he took a stand against the Emperor Maximian and refused an order to attack fellow Christians, and he and his legion were ultimately killed. He became patron saint of the Holy Roman Emperors in 926. Just leaving this here for consideration in light of everything else I am saying in this post.

If you are new to my blog, this video of mine explains the background and context of what I am sharing - "Physical Evidence for the Layout of a Planetary Grid System...and a Suppressed Global Civilization.

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