for with God nothing is impossible. All things are possible to him that believeth (luke 1:37, mark1:23)

There is no limit to the positive things that your faith - relationship with almighty god can enable you realize in life

I have observed two major possessions that create and boost people's confidence for a successful life. Firstly, education qualification - every successful graduate has a degree of confidence for success in life by virtue of having a certificate or an exposure through the university. And secondly is an acquisition of living relationship with the all powerful God. Every Christian who knows himself has confidence for successful living. I'm not referring to church goers oh. Now what would it be if you have these two possession?

What is your belief about life; its source and purpose, is God in the picture? What is your formula for success in life - is God part of it? Do you have a relationship with God, and is that relationship also truly influencing your living? If 'no' is the answer to these questions, then you're to ask God for a deep relationship with him, if it is 'yes' then I tell you to confidently reach out to your life dream and fulfill your God-given purpose. Learn to translate your faith - relationship with God into an empowerment for success(this is what I tell people to do'). God never called you into a non-profit relationship (see Isaiah 45:19; 48:17; Hebrew 11:12)

With god in your life, you've got an almighty plus to make a huge difference in life. This is because faith in God can open to you a new and large chapter of life that is beyond an ordinary one which depends on limited abilities and possibilities of being human.

It enables you to access and receive capacities of divine order to boost your effectiveness with life. It is like when a leaf of a tree attaches itself to the branch of the tree; it enables it to access and receive nourishment provided by the tree's root

And this life, the choice is up to you, either to live as an ordinary human being or push, extend and enlarge the quality of your life through the instrumentality of your faith in God. God has designed life to function at its best by faith that is focused on him. Faith reveals and introduce you to a life that is beyond facts and results from only human efforts. It introduce you to a reality that is beyond that which we can empirically access. So as a graduate or an undergraduate you need to understand that life is beyond imagination and as well equip yourself to be able to access life beyond the seen - and faithful relationship with God is the only effective force to do this exploit.

Space would fail me to make catalogue of people in history who extended the bounds and quality of their lives, people who were able to open doors and gates to effective living through their faith-borne relationship with almighty God we'll discuss about some of them in the next chapter.

And now the stage of live is open to you, you too can make commitments to a quality of faith life style that will enable you break the bars of limitations and be more effective with your life. This is the one main distinction and value you can imperatively add to your educational potential and then make dumbfounding success with your life!


  • brightobias.

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