20 Minute Blog a Day - when the negatives start to get you down

Holy shit, there is a lot of negativity in the world!

I like to think of myself as a realist. I see the world for what it is - for the most part.. because I understand that how I see the world makes so.

This may seem like I'm talking in circles but it's really true. Your world, your reality are a creation of your perceptions, perspective and beliefs. Each person essentially lives in their own little reality bubble which is separate and unique.

Over the past two years or so I've really started to accept this as fact. I used to "prepare for the worst but hope for the best" so that when something bad happened I could tell myself, "Hah, told you so!" and if something good happened to take place I could be "pleasantly surprised". Now this may seem to make a lot of sense, it worked for me for like 25 years, but what I didn't realize is that by having that "realistic" view I was creating a world of negativity. Then I'd turn around and wonder why I was so unhappy, stressed, depressed and anxiety ridden.

I started a new way of thinking - which seemed ridiculous at first - but I stuck with it anyway. I'm not wearing rose-colored glasses and just singing kum by yah in my head all day, I've been accepting the negatives as they are but choosing not to relish in them. Instead I turn my focus to the positives in my life and I block out as much of the unnecessary BS like the news, television in general, rude people, traffic and road rage. These things used to ruin my day or at least a few hours of my day.

Now, I accept these things are a real part of some people's reality - but they are not a staple in mine. In my reality they pass through like clouds on a windy day, just blocking the sunlight for a moment. I know the sun will poke out in a second. This has caused a HUGE stress decrease for me.

With all that said, I do admit I am a work in progress.

I have bad days, sometimes things really get me down. Yesterday/Today are one of these slumps. It's hard for me to separate myself from my struggles. Then you pile on all the conversations about this school shooting in the US, the rising cost of living, the whale wars staining Steemit's beautiful platform and how I had a migraine flair at my new job yesterday (haven't had a migraine like this in over 6 months) and I start to get weighed down.

So, what do you do when all the negatives start to get you down? I used to bitch and complain to anyone who would listen. I'd craft up a beautifully decorated invitation to My Pity Party and send it right to myself. Oh I used to be so excited when I got those invites!

Now I recognize, "okay you're drafting up plans for a pity party sister, Shut It Down! No one wants to come, not even you want to be there!" Sometimes just having that conversation with my inner self helps - other times I need to physically remind myself with uplifting posts like this!

I do not have it that bad. I am not starving, my children are fed and clothed. Our van is running still (thank the Car Gods because this beast is a '97 with who knows how many miles - the gage is broke at 121k). I have a loving and supportive life partner and more family than some others have - so I am lucky. I needed a job and I got one, though it may not be the ideal pay rate, it is better than nothing. I have more love and respect for people, animals and the Earth than most millionaires - so who really is wealthier ?

Yes, the rising cost of living, rent, childcare and all these other things are crushing my hope for a better tomorrow and it's easy to jump into jealous and envy those who have homes, multiple cars, closets full of clothes but I must remind myself that I'm here to grow from these challenges.

Wow, I'm passed my 20 minutes! With all this said I think the best thing for me is extra yoga and meditation today!
Thanks for reading my quick blog of the day :)

How do you over come your negatives and stresses? What brings the happiness back into your life when you're feeling down?

Feel free to share in the comments!
I could certainly use suggestions and words of positivism today.
Maybe there's even some else out there having an off day(s) who could benefit from a pick me up! You never know who may find comfort in your words.

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