Top 10 Industries Using Blockchain Technology

What is blockchain? A question shuffles our brains, because almost nobody knew where is this term came from or what is blockchain? Blockchain is a technology of the future which will change the future and reshape our whole world.
Blockchain is the combination of data stored in blocks which can not be changed nor tempered.
There are 10 most popular fields in which blockchain is already using and satisfying the needs of consumers and developers.


#1. Blockchain in Cryptocurrency:

The Word crypto or cryptocurrency, whenever you heard this word don’t forget the technology behind the most famous digital currency is blockchain in which we can transact from one place to another without involving a third party or person to complete our transactions. Suppose if you want to transfer the money from one place to another, from one country to another what will you do. You will definitely contact your bank to complete the transaction on your behalf. This will take too much time also a huge fee for the transactions. So the cryptocurrency, based on blockchain technology will help you move and complete your transactions in just few clicks and without adding a 3rd party to complete your transactions. Did you know the famous Bitcoin is also working on the blockchain, and so on now there are so many other cyrptocurrencies on the blockchain that are working on the blockchain technology and improving day by day. This can help everyone to perform the digital transactions without involving anyone and without revealing the identity of a person. Bitcoin is not the first who is using the blockchain but in the world its the most famous one.


#2. Blockchain in Health:

We can not deny how blockchain is helping us in the field of health and medication. Blockchain is taking the health and medication to another level.
If you want to share your files to someone outside of your country what will you do you have to send your files to a person through a mail service, that will take atleast few days to be reached to the desired persons desk. What if you can send your documents with the help of blockchain in few seconds and also without the danger of loosing your personal documents or without the interference of any person to read your personal medical issues.

#3. Blockchain In Charity:
Everybody loves to help each other from one part of the world to another but most of the time our money did not reached to the person we are sending the charity to, but now with the help of blockchain this issue has been resolved and nowadays there are so many companies working with a blockchain technology to get the charities directly from peoples and assured the amount received has been reached to the person needed.

#4. Blockchain In Education:
Blockchain is also playing a vital role in the field of research and education. Blockchain is unique because it creates so many on demand-based ecosystem in which educators, students and employers to work together and share their research with each other.


#5. Blockchain in Online Gaming:
Blockchain has created so many easy platforms where you can play online without any boundary of city of country.
Online gaming is getting famous day by day and blockchain platforms are widely adopted in creation of these platforms.
You can easily gambles on blockchain without revealing your identity because all the transactions on the blockchain are without a trace. Nobody can guess or even know where the transaction has came from and who is playing the game.


#6. Blockchain In Entertainment:
Copyright, yeah blockchain is helping the singers, entertainers, media houses and other actors and actresses to shift on blockchain where your music or videos were immutable and nobody has a right to change or publish it without your permission. Blockchain is totally reshaping the world and protecting the privacy of each person using the blockchain.

#7. Blockchain In Employment:
Blockchain has created so many employments marketplaces where user can apply and get jobs and could be paid in cryptocurrency or fiat. Blockchain has removed the boundaries of working in the building, now with the help of blockchain you can easily work from one city to another just sitting and using the technology.


#8. Blockchain for Govt.
Sometimes, your data is extremely personal and you don’t even want to share the single word written in the letter or agreement, because if your data is breached to stolen it will not only cost you a huge loss but also a threat to the country. Blockchain has solved the issue of, because blockchain is the most easiest and secure way to transfer data from one place to another without risking the data and lives.

#9. Blockchain In Production:
Did you ever thought a tin of food you are buying from the store when it is created, where it is packed, what is the location of the country that manufactured it. Thanks to blockchain because with the help of blockchain all the data from where the food is packed to your hand can been seen by QR Code provided on the food. That's how Blockchain is changing the shape of the world where all the data will be easily read and understand by everyone just by using the technology.

#10. Blockchain in Finance:
An amazing role in the field of finance where everybody is facing the issue of money loss, double spending, or stolen records but not now blockchain will help you to overcome with all of these issues in the field of finance. How, as blockchain is the technology which is immutable, once a record is updated it can’t to be changed nor tampered because it stores the data in the form of blocks which were being verified by all persons sitting on the networks called node. In Short you can say that “Blockchain is an immutable distributed ledger” which has no central authority, nobody is controlling the blockchain.
Blockchain is a triple entry system where you can see the transaction that were transferred and received and plus they were saved in a block that can't be change without the permission of the publisher.
Blockchain has also makes easy to everyone to not only store the complete details but also to check that there is no error in the transactions. Blockchain has solved the double spending error, in which a fraud person is sending the same amount to many other persons.

How we can understand from this example: Suppose a fraud is buying a house from your and came in a shiny boots and huge car but he did not even have a single money in his bank account. You are willing to sell your property to him and accepted the cheque from him but when you send the cheque to your bank to compete the transaction what the bank says to you
"This account has been closed or not used for a long time even though it has no money in the account"
It almost took so much time to realize that.
But with the help of blockchain you can find it out in just few minuted if a person have a money or not.

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