How Satoshi School is going to be organized.

We are at the new beginning, everything is in our hands. Future is waiting for Us and we are the creators.

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Satoshi School want to change education around the planet, how I will explain.

We want to start with one project first, we will buy the piece of land in Cambodia in the rural area. We will buy 2 hectares of land and we will need to spend between $5000-$7000. In Cambodia you can be a land owner only if you are Cambodian, foreigners can only lend the land. We want our School to be self sustain and long term project, so 51 procent of school will belong to the village. They can continue this way when they are ready and we can concentrate on opening new school.

Satoshi School will be running on steemit. This is just an idea, for this we need a lot of Steem Power. Luckily we have some supporters.

We will work with volunteers, we will hire cambodian teachers, we will clear the land, we will build the school. We give kids books and food and we will learn them for free. We will learn them how to write cambodian and english, finally we will learn them about bitcoin and steemit. We will prepare them for the real world.

To operate smoothly I imagine this:

I create a posts for very item as action is needed. First post will be about the land. When we get $7000 need to buy it we will create new posts.

Every teacher, kid and volunteers will be validated as Satoshi school members by Satoshi School following them.
That way they can write posts and generate income needed. Satoshi school will be paying them by upvoting their post to the amount needed to be generated. All payments will use Steem Dollars as currency.

Now imagine unimaginable. Every kid and teacher in Satoshi school are able to write their posts. Teachers will write about their progress with kids, kids will write what kid will write. From that money we can support school and build new ones. Now think for a moment, kid and teachers writing posts, they are earning real cash. Maybe the school of the future is where kid and teacher are paid to attend it. In this school the old system of controlling the big group of kids, just like in prison. Instead of spending that time on teaching them useful things. In Satoshi school this relation teacher student can be symbiotic and organic. They are better of when they work together. Their progres can be follow on steemit by everyone and everyone who is reading can evaluate their decision by voting with his steempower.
Suddenly kid and the teacher can make extra income, but only if they work together and we can see that progress in their stories.

You have to believe me, but in many countries where we will open Satoshi Schools people are poor. If we will have kids, who after 5 years or learning and writing monthly their stories on steemit they will have a possibility to earn start capital when they finish the school. What if students can earn as much as teachers, just by learning. Isn't it a useful lesson.

Any new ideas welcome. It's just a beginning, we are making first steps.

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