@Ruth-Girl Grew A Year Older Today!

Today is a special day for me! It's my birthday! The day that marks the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one. A new 365-day round, a new level of experience to be gained. This is the last time I will blow out candles with number 2 being first. Next year I will be saying hello to my thirties. It feels kind of weird I must say.

But growing another year, the things I've learned, the mistakes I've made, the new journeys I went on... they all fit to build the puzzle of my life. People, places, things, situations... They are all here, they are all inside me, they have all managed to form me and make me who I am today. 

All I can say is this: I am thankful to be alive! I am thankful for all the people I have around me and love me, the roof over my head, the food on my plate, the shoes around my feet. I am thankful for lots and lots of things I usually take for granted. I consider myself among the lucky ones. 

That's all, I won't keep ranting. 

Image by @ruth-girl

And some poetic words for closure?

There she was in front of a door. She now had to leave this room. She wandered in there for a year. She wept, she laughed, she cursed, she loved. That's what kept happening 28 years now. On the first day she opened a door and got inside a room that she was allowed to explore for a whole year. On the other side of the room there was another door, an exit. On the last day of the year she had to go through that second door, get out of this room and move on to a new one, like a tenant with a one-year contract. And this loop kept going and going. The end? When was it going to come? She didn't know, she just kept closing and opening doors.

In the rooms where she wandered, she picked up a few things. The heavy loads she left behind, the things she couldn't keep. New people she met, old ones she said farewell to. Shared moments of happiness, but sadness was there too.

And now a door she is leaving behind. A new one stands to open wide. A new room now she is to enter. In dreams and fears she will surrender. She will explore and she will lead, she might lose, she might win. 

The doors she went through she is trying to count. Each and every one another round. A cycle that ends with every year, a new one starts just like a gear. In a machine that she is to drive until the end, the end of the ride...

Thank you so much for your time!

Until my next post,
Steem on and keep smiling, people!

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