Introducing our Baby Girl to the Steemit Family! 💕


Hello everyone! Introducing our new little bundle of joy to the Steemit Family! Yay she’s finally here!!! 😃💓



She was born on June 13th weighing a WOPPING 9lbs. 4oz. and 21 inches long!!! 😳😳😳 Can you imagine how 🤪🤪🤪 I was during labor? Lol


Posterior Experience

I labored from 6:02am to 2:01pm...8 hours! Half way through the labor my midwife noticed an inconsistency with my contractions. They would start off strong and then waver off. On top of that they started to pan out way too far from each other (from 3 to 5 minutes apart to 8 or more minutes apart). She then realized the baby was posterior! I experienced a lot of back pain that I have never experienced with any of my other deliveries. They got me into a position that encouraged her to turn within 40 minutes. It was very uncomfortable but by the Grace of God I was able to push through.


Pushing Out a 9 Pounder!

We all thought with her being my fifth child that she would come out smoothly and quickly. I pushed my fourth child out within 5 minutes. We just couldn’t figure out why it was so hard for me to get her going and moving once she was facing the correct way. This was the first time I pushed for OVER an hour!!! It was probably close to one hour and 15 minutes. After she was weighed it all made sense...I had to work harder because she was a 9 pounder!! The biggest baby I have pushed out prior to her was only 7lbs. 5oz. My body was in shock!! 😅


Birthing Techniques Used

Since I labored for so long I decided to try different methods to keep the ball rolling...

  • Partner Sway - In a standing position facing my husband I wrapped my arms around his neck. He placed his hands around my waist and helped me sway back and forth through contractions.

  • Peanut Ball - I layed on my side while the peanut ball was in between my legs during contractions. This helps open you up and make room for the baby to make their way down the birth canal.

  • Birthing Ball - I sat down on the birthing ball while my husband supported me from the back. I rolled my bottom around in circles during contractions in order to dilate more.

  • Walking - Walking around the labor room helped bring her head down even more. I normally don’t walk as much as I did but I didn’t want to stay stationary, I wanted to keep moving to keep things progressing.

  • Belly Lift - The Baby was so far back at the beginning that my midwife suggested I lift my belly during every contraction to help her find her way...this really helped speed things up. I literally grabbed my belly and lifted it up as I swayed. Once it got too hard for me my husband stood behind me as I leaned back on him and he did the lifting for me. I couldn’t have done it without his support~ ❤️



Overall baby is healthy and strong and me, mommy is recovering and about to get some good rest tonight! I’m totally exhausted. That’s all for now! More to come later. 👋🏽

Thank You For Reading~










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