Beauty and majesty!

I felt like I should submit something a little lighter than my last post about the atrocious Chemtrails that plague our world.

So I thought that I would tell you all about a visit that @kimbolo86 and myself took a number of weeks ago to a place called World of Wings in Scotland.

It was a late birthday present for @kimbolo86 and we both had an incredible time even if the weather wasn't quite so kind in the end. We arrived a little early so we had time to relax and wait whilst lots of others slowly trickled in to enjoy the same experience we were. There ended up being around 30+ visitors there just for the handling experience. However we were split off in to 2 groups with our own guide - Stuart. Stuart took us to a grassy clearing and then brought out 1 bird at a time to allow us all to hold them and give us a very thorough talk on them. Here are some images of the incredible creatures we got the honour of holding.

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(Sorry this image is a little pixelated, I felt it best to crop it to make sure my partner wasn't shown without her permission)

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Even though individually all 16+ of us only got maybe 5 or so minutes holding each of these majestic birds it was still an intensely rewarding experience that I recommend anyone take the opportunity to do. Once we were finished with this we had a brief time to walk around the rest of the World of Wings site and view the numerous other fantastic birds they had there ranging from Cranes to Owls.

Then both groups were then brought together to experience multiple flying displays of many birds we'd had little to no knowledge of until this point. The highly knowledgeable staff/handlers would one by one bring a new bird to the open flying area and give a display of the birds skill and abilities all the while talking to us and imparting knowledge of these magnificent animals. I would post a couple of videos of this but it will not allow me. I did however take 1 picture of one of the birds during the flying displays. It is of a Turkey Vulture I believe.


The whole experience lasted around 3-4 hours but it was exceedingly worth every penny. And I highly recommend it to anyone with even a passing interest. These animals will leave you in awe of them and those that look after them are amazing people.

Anyway I hope you like the pictures. I would have posted a couple of videos if I could have. Please feel free to post any comments or criticisms.

Much love.

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