Going Cold Turkey, Once again ;<)

Cold Turkey chases Hypersensitivosaurus.jpg

Yesterday, at my twin sister's place, I told my niece and nephew that I felt like drawing with them. My sister overheard this and asked whether they could make a drawing for their sick grandfather / our father. The three us of started drawing and I ended up drawing two somewhat silly but cute birds, as my dad loves birds, like his father/ my grandfather before him.

my silly birds


Shortly afterward, my 6 year old niece started drawing birds too.



So Cute :<)


Later, I shared our pictures in the family app
and, in a moment of clarity, my dad saw these pictures and we received the message that he found them very pretty and special and liked the bird paws, in particular :<)

And then, at the end of the afternoon, my niece was making a puzzle. When I asked her what birds she saw pictured there, she answered: "cold turkey" ( for the turkey ).
This made me smile, as she has heard of / seen and remembered a character in my Hypersensitivosaurus stories, called 'Cold Turkey'. Because of that, she now calls a turkey a 'Cold Turkey' :<)

Yesterday, I started putting one and one together and felt a strong urge to get back into my Hypersensitivosaurus and Cold Turkey story and the book that I worked on - and almost finished - about a year ago: Hypersensitivosaurus and Cold Turkey". This took place before I decided to eventually not 'finish' that little book and to instead bundle 22 different Hypersensitivosaurus ( and other animals ) stories and publish those as my first book.

Yesterday, all the bird talk made me feel, intuitively, that I have to focus on that previous book, once again, with the aim to show it to my father ( and the world ), as soon as possible. I have no doubt that my dad will enjoy the story as well as my illustrations, full of cute and funny looking birds, including the one above today's post, where Cold Turkey is Chasing Hypersensitivosaurus.


Let me end this post with a song that popped up into my mind, while working on this write up. It comes from what has been one of my favorite bands / musicians, since I got to know their music in the late 90s or so - EELS:


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