Built my first bird house

It's a pretty big house too, designed for predatory birds. I am trying to attract Kestrel to live in it. And planning on placing the home near my upcoming Cherry trees. I'll need some protection for my berries and I think a Falcon like bird would do well possibly. I've noticed when theres Hawks and other predatory birds are in the area other birds tend to flee. And last year a Hawk got a bird around the time my Blueberries were ripening. And due to that the birds that usually eat my berries were not around to eat them.


I followed a design that has a door on the side for easy cleaning between breeding seasons. It had a latch and hook to secure it when not in use.

I cut a three inch hole in the front of it. Pretty big hole but needed for Kestrels. I secured the walls with exterior 2 1/2 screws.

The latch was tight and maybe I put the hook eye too far out. But it still latches, just had to bend the hook eye a little.

The roof has a few inch overhang giving some shelter from the rain. Planning on adding some caulk to where the back board meets the roof.

I notched the corners so if water did enter it can then exit as well. And will help the box breathe a little. Theres also a little space between the wall tops and the roof. It helps the side door to open and it was recommended in the design for ventilation.

The bird house has a raised floor to help keep the home dry. It's a little over an inch up into the home.

This home was built with one 1" x 10" x 10' pine board. And then used a few exterior screws, 2 nails for a hinge. And had to buy a 3" hole saw. Next up is to secure it to a pole and get it up 10'-15' in the air within a month so it's ready for Kestrel breeding season.

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