special pigeon


Pigeon is one of the birds that are often found in the environment around the house. In fact, many people are willing to take care of pigeons. Treatment is not too difficult to make pigeons as one of the factors that make many people maintain it. The pigeon can feed itself and return to the master's room after finishing the meal. In ancient times, pigeons were often used as a tool to send letters.

The dove is a symbol of the peacemaker. This is said from the first biblical references in the old covenant. The dove is said to be the peacemaker as told in the first millennium by Acts of Noah.

There are some religious groups who still believe in the role of pigeons. This religious group believes that those who are dead, his soul will be bird-shaped. One of them is a dove. This is what makes this religious group very respectful of pigeons. When they feed the pigeons they feed the souls of their ancestors.

In some countries there are still many pigeons roaming the city. Apparently, the wild dove was a descendant of rock pigeons or columba livia In 1896, pigeons were first used for postal services between the Great Barrier island and New Zealand.

After 10 days of being born, the birds will generally leave their advice. However, unlike the pigeons that will stay in the nest for up to 2 months before adulthood. This is certainly a long enough time for the dove to stay in its nest until it makes its own nest.

The pigeon is the only non mammal that has passed the mirror test. This capability is a very rare ability and belongs to only one of the 6 species. Pigeons are able to conceptualize and almost recognize 26 letters in English. This mirror test requires that the dove be able to recognize its reflection in the mirror.

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