Crow Vera: step-by-step (photo-story)


It's the crow Vera today. Although she looks rather grown-up, one must understand that she is still a baby. The yellow corners of the beak will tell you this if you are at a loss to determine the age of the bird.

At this age, the little crow is still in need of care and her parents are feeding her. If you know that not far from you there are small crows, in a hot weather, be sure to put a bowl of water on the ground. The fact that parents feed the baby, but do not drink. This is why small crows often die from dehydration.


Thus began the life of the crow Vera. Not too well ... She was orphaned. It's good that there were people who wanted to help the baby.


That was Vera when she came to us. To start eating, she had to scratch her back. Independent reflexes were weak.


But soon she began to open her beak and ask for food. It was an achievement! Since then she constantly asks for food!


The next step was to move her to fresh air. I believe that the air and the sun can work miracles.


And it happened. Less than a week later, Vera moved to a large enclosure.

Today, Vera freely flies around the yard (but we are still watching her). She is very sociable, likes to sit on my shoulder or on ... my head.

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