JESUS QUOTE OF THE DAY - Bitcoin & Steemit are "evading taxes"?!!!


“Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.” And they marvelled at Him.


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We see in todays biblical instalment the govern-minds of the times attempting to trap Jesus in the same old trap they still use today! Taxes. Those who pose as authority will always use questions and language to entrap, they're asking him "is it lawful to pay taxes" (to the king / queen, just like we have today, on our coins). These days the tax myths are portrayed on television propaganda programmes (why do you think they're called programmes?) such as "the" news (as if it's the only news going on) to make the myth, seem more real. It has come to my attention that the media manipulators are inventing words and terminology to demonise those who are free from their slavery using Steemit and Bitcoin. The words they use are quite hilarious.



The action of evading something. An indirect answer; a prevaricating excuse.



The action of keeping away from or not doing something. The action of repudiating, nullifying, or rendering void a decree or contract.

Don't laugh, as these are very, very serious "crimes", the association is very, very strong with being locked up like a budgie in a cage and this is very real, and very scary. You should be very afraid, and run for your life.

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Here's where the deception of language is so clever; by blind-siding us all with fear about "NOT-paying", they've covered up the truth. What's the truth? Im glad you bothered to ask. It's all an illusion, a monstrous myth; there is no law in existence that states we must pay for any taxation, for any services. IF such a law exists, please do correct my wrong-ness and leave it down below. All laws should be reference-able, with specific titles, sections, headers, etc, so there should be no problem in directing us to "the law" about paying taxes.


A traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining a natural or social phenomenon. A widely held but false belief or idea. A misrepresentation of the truth. A fictitious or imaginary person or thing. An exaggerated or idealized conception of a person or thing.

synonyms: folk tale, story, folk story, legend, tale, fable, saga, allegory, parable, tradition, lore, folklore.

So the tax myth is not supported by law, it's a made up story, a lie, told to encourage us to support those who govern-minds. That would be fine with me, IF they were actually doing a good job. Who would pay for services that they do not want, and do not use? Is this "evasion" or "avoidance"?! People will be quick to jump to conclusions that when we pay our taxes like good little slaves, oops, I mean citizens, yes, tax-paying-citizens (notice this language is associated with being some kind of hero) then this funding supports children in education, and sick people in hospitals. Ok, let's take a quick look and we'll see if this is truth, or if it's another myth.

2015 Tax Spending


2016 Tax Spending


2017 Tax Spending



Dohhhh. It seems like only 5 - 6% is spent on educating and indoctrinating the young minds for governance in their later lives. When the children grow old (not grow up) they'll be guaranteed to get sick from their lack of education about healthy eating, and 4-6% will be spent on hospitalising them to death. Meanwhile, a staggering 60% is spent on white people invading countries with oil, where all the darker-skin humans live. Are you aware over 1 million innocent humans were killed in iraq recently? That's the equivalent of one man, woman or child from every family there. Let's imagine that's your family; and you've lost someone. Now then, who is the enemy? Who is the criminal? Who is the terrorist?

"Tax-paying-citizens" should have their angelic halo removed, and swapped for a reminder that they're supporting war, mostly, that's where your money goes.... war. War-paying-citizens would be more politically correct. Meanwhile, the best punchline of all. (Wait for it, you'll find this funny, it's funny because it's true). The organizations that don't have to pay any tax, the truest "evaders and avoiders", are the church themselves, who are "tax-exempt". Ahhhh, the irony. Can anyone explain how we may be made exempt from something we are not lawfully obliged to do in the first place? I'd love to hear an explanation. We've got no written law that tax must be paid, this is only "implied" and "suggested". Jesus had the right idea all along; you have your coin back; give back to your kings or queens what is theirs. We have Bitcoin, and Steemit; the faceless coin of the future.



Step 1. Do what u LOVE. Do what EXCITES you.
Step 2. Share with Steemit to monetize Dream$.
Step 3. Remember BOREDOM is the Enemy...
(NOT some abstract "failure")

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