New Family at the Garden of the Goats

Just a quick post to introduce our new family members, and quite possibly the hardest working family members at the Garden of the Goats. Ladies and Gents, please welcome...

** Our First Beehive!**


I bought the hive, bees and all from the teenage son of a good friend who decided he'd had his fun and wanted to sell. I've been wanting bees for some time now, and this was ideal timing for me.

I will admit I was nervous (and still am). I know there is a lot to learn. I mean, moving them, orienting them to a new place, what am I forgetting? Time will tell, but so far they are still here and hopefully making honey!

Look! There's some now!

And we have some treats close by...




If you can't tell, I'm super excited! I just had to share it with my new steemit friends.

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