Trippy Cake Beer


It's Saturday again and you know what I could be doing with? A big slice of cake!!

What, you thought I was going to say beer? HA! Maybe I am gonna combine the two! A cake beer! How awesome does that sound? Well, to me at least. I can see some people recoiling in disgust at the idea of a beer that tastes like a cake.

It's like a horse that moos like a cow.

Hopefully, this beer won't be mooing as I tug on its udders!

But this isn't just a cake beer. Oh no. This is more, it is a beer that promises to have a hallucinogenic sweetness. Like we were in the sixties dropping acid baby!!

Yeah, let's peace out and shit and fight the bomb or something.

What was it hippies were always peacing out about? Who knows? Who even cares.

I knew a hippie once. He smelled quite untoward as if he did things with dogs penises. Yuk. Shouldn't be allowed I say. Dogs are for Christmas, not night-time fumblings.

Fuck the hippies and their greasy genitals and let's leave them to their sour lentils that's what I say!

So, to the cake beer. It is the wondrous...


I don't think I have heard of this brewers before? Ølkymisten... Sounds like an orifice?

They claim that their beer is the equivalent of ‘70s, psychedelic therapy. Which of course, sounds like utter twaddle. But, it is the kind of twaddle I like to hear.

I like it when brands have a bit of pizazz about them. Not scared to front up with some wild claims and the like.

The important thing is though, can they back it up?

Let's see!


Raar, look at this little beauty. It pours well, almost thick like treacle. The body is silky black like a penguin's wing, The head is a fizzing frothy caramel coloured devil. The smell of vanilla and bitter malty beer is pouring off it like dry ice at an eighties disco.

I am all a jitter with the excitement of surfing on this slick-looking black sea of a beer!

CAKE! It really is cake like. Almost too sweet at times but the sheer power of the alcohol manages to cut a wedge through that cake-like heavy sweetness. It is a thick, coating mouth beer. I almost worry for my poor teeth but this stuff won't last long enough to rot them.

Down the hatch with a 9/10 booms!! Oh I do like to be beside the seaside!

Looks like I am having my cake and DRINKING it!!

Cheers everyone, stay safe!


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