Brewing beer - part 15: Brewiepad Rusty Rex review!

Brewing made easy!

Rusty Rex box.jpg

The Brewiepad "Rusty Rex" comes in a cardboard box with the details of the beer on the top label. Here we can read that the beer style is an American Amber Ale in the category Pale Ale, that it is a single malt beer brewed with only Munich malt, that it is hopped with both Magnum (bittering) and Cascade (aroma) hops and that the yeast used is the US-05 Safale from Fermentis.
The recipe is designed by Otto Kelemen and it will result in a beer with 14 SRM in color(rather light), 35 IBU in bitterness (common for a pale ale) and an alcohol content of 4.1 (not very strong).
When the box is opened there is a plastic bag with all the ingredients inside:
Rusty Rex content in box.jpg

The malt is packed into the one-time brewing bag, ready to go into the mashing tank of the Brewie B20. Each of the hop additions has its own aluminium foil bag and they are labeled with one to four dots indicating which hop cage they should be placed in. There is also a anti-foaming tablet and the dry yeast pack.
The recipe for the Rusty Rex is already stored on the Brewie B20:
Rusty Rex Display.jpg

The details page for the Rusty Rex recipe:
Rusty Rex display details.jpg

Under each of these tiles there are more details:
Rusty Rex Fermentables.jpg

The fermentables is only Munich malt, 4kg/8 lbs.
Rusty Rex Hops.jpg

The hops are divided into the four hop baskets, but it is not defined which hop variety that goes where. I assume that the Magnum hop will be used for bittering and the Cascade for the aroma addition, that is what I would have done at least!
Rusty Rex Mash in.jpg

After that comes the mashing details, here we can see the mash-in temperature and the volume of water that will be added. The Sparging water temperature and volume is also stated here.
Rusty Rex Mash details.jpg

Here we can see the multistep mashing schedule, with the temperature and time for each of the steps.
Rusty Rex Hop steps 1.jpg

After mashing comes the boiling and here we can see when the four hop cages will be added during the boil.
Rusty Rex Hop steps 2.jpg

When the boiling is completed it is time to cool the wort down:

Rusty Rex cooling.jpg

Here the target temperature for the cooled wort is set to 20C/68F.
Rusty Rex Fermentation.jpg

No fermentation details has been added, they are not really necessary. But if you want to keep track of your fermentation it is possible to add the details here manually!

Tomorrow I will talk about my first attempt to brew the Rusty Rex!

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