As an esthetician, I get questions everyday about DO's and DONT's when it comes to taking care of your skin, so I decided to write a few down to share with you all!

  1. DO wash your face morning and night. I like using a basic gel cleanser (for my oily skin) at night and a nice gentle exfoliating cleanser in the morning. If you're not oily you can try a cream or lotion cleanser, occasionally I'll even use and oil cleanser (oil combats oil).
  2. DON'T think you're too good or too oily to use a moisturizer after washing your face! This is HUGE! Especially for the men out there. If you're oily, use an oil free moisturizer. Different skin types need different catering to when it comes to products and ingredients.. trust me, theres a moisturizer out there for everyone!
  3. DO put on sunscreen if you'll be outside during the day. This is especially hard for us oily skin folks who are prone to breaking out. The secret? Physical sunscreen! None of that oxy-yada yada. I'm talking minerals like zinc and titanium. There are several good physical sunscreens out there and your skin will thank you tremendously by the time you're ordering off the senior citizens menu.
  4. DONT use St. Ives apricot scrub. Ill never stop being surprised by the number of people who dont realize the damage its done to their skin. The pit of an apricot is SHARP and JAGGED, that creates micro tears in your skin that make you more prone to irritation and age us faster. Stick to something gentle. I personally love the micro delivery scrub from Philosophy, honestly anything but St. Ives!
  5. DO love yourself and your skin. Be good to it and be good to your body. Drink lots of water, eat your veggies, and always remind yourself how awesome you are!

What are your top DO's and DONT's when it comes to taking care of your skin!?

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